Saturday, April 01, 2006

Till death do us part......Tranlation....... Till one of us pushes the other over (or off) the cliff......

About two hours after I posted yesterday, the phone rang and this kind and familiar voice said "It is frustrating to me." "Excuse me?" I questioned. "Not having those boring how was your day dear conversations, is a source of frustration to me." The voice continued. "So! What's your point?" (You've all figured out by now that the voice belonged to my husband. Right?) "Well." He went on. "Don't you want to have those kind of conversations?" (Who is it that he thinks he called?) "DID YOU READ THE BLOG?" "Ya! That's why I ask." He replied. (My response) "And didn't I say I felt sorry for people that had conversations like that?" "Ya." He answered. "So! What's your point?" I again ask.

(Doing a hundred and ten degree turn,) my husband then said, "By the way, would you mind calling me something else besides Hubby?" (My response,) "Isn't that what you are?" (His response) "Well, ya. But it makes me sound old and" ....... (Sorry, I must have blanked out there for a minute...... or else I was repeating to myself "Isn't that what you are?" because I totally missed what came after the and.) "You know that I don't use real names, or pictures (except of me) to keep our identity a secret. Right?" (That is, until my blog is discovered by a publisher, and I sign that book deal.) (His response,) "I know that." "Well," I went on. What would you like me to call you in my blog then?" (His response,) "Well, I don't know. What do you think?" "I (am the one that) "was perfectly okay with Hubby! You're the one that wants a different name. (Okay readers! Aren't at least one or two of you feeling sorry for me, and forgiving me for being mean to him sometimes, after reading that?) Never mind...... "How about Lancelot, as in sir." I suggested. "I like that." He said immediately. (NO! I am not making this up! And! It is NOT an April fools joke!)

After he got home from his day job, he said, "I've been thinking about my new name." (He may be slow to process, but we have to give him credit for thinking things through. Don't we?) "How about Oh Magnificent One? "Okay!" I replied, "But I'm shortening it to OMO." (Don't you dare go putting an "H" in front of that!) The rest of the night, we tossed name ideas around, and have decided to give you, the reader, a chance to choose the one you like. After all, it isn't every day that one gets permission to call someone else's husband names. Right? So go for it! Here are your choices:

A. Sir, short for Lancelot
B. OMO, short for Oh Magnificent One
C. Mr. Right, a take off from Carrie's Mr. Big
D. Pooky, my personal favorite
E. Perfect, his egos personal favorite
F. __________, write in your personal favorite

Vote as many times as you like. Just to keep things fair, I am letting hubby count the votes.

On to other big news.............

April is National Poetry Month. (Bet you didn't know that did you?) How can you celebrate National Poetry Month? (You're dying to know, aren't you?) To find an event near you, listen to audio clips of poetry, and read the Academy of American Poets' visit "30 ways to celebrate". We can all use a little rhyme (or reason in my case) in our life now and then.

Enjoy your day! And, if you happen to be one of us that get into the whole joke playing thing, remember to play nice. But, If you happen to be one of us that gets taken today, remember you have a whole year to plan your revenge.


one4JC said...


The best I could come up with was Big Red for mine...which isn't dirty or a remark on his hair despite the rumors...

Pooky could take the wind out of his ego...Sir is stuffy...Mr. Right Is there such a thing? OMO is too close to OMG or HOMO for comfort.

I don't know...could you come up with a play off his name? Like if his name is John you could call him Papa (John's) or Don could be the GodFather?

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Dear One4jc,

Thank You for your response.

Pooky doesn't bother me nearly as much as **** does. "Sir" keeps her in her place (like she'd stay there).

Mr. Right...Missed the mark on that one, I know him personally (lol).

Godfather is a little pretentious, although close to the mark.

I think I am going to count you vote for Pooky.


Patty's Pooky

Patty said...

Dear one4jc,

I always wondered where you came up with Big Red? I was jealous that you had such a better imagination than me, with my simple reference to husband.

I have checked out your new site. (But have been busy, and it took me three visits to finish your little hand adventure.) My grand-dog bit off the tip of my right index finger during a rumble with one of my dogs I few years back. I found a great plastic surgeon, and except for the loss of sensation, you can't even tell today.

Your childhood sounds similar to mine, except the dysfunctional adults in my world were foster parents. Lucky for us, today is a new day, and we are in charge.

Thanks for voting.

Has to be me said...


This is a nice post! (H)OMO was really funny! LOL! Now regd my choice, i'm not for any of the ones that u've suggested as my reasons also coincide with one4jc. Lemme think & come back with something better.


How about BH (take it for both Better half or Bitter half?!).

Alternatively, if u want to keep up the romance still high, u can choose sugar pie or honey pot or the like.

If not, now that u r not into food anymore, choose something that's ur that u can atleast relish its name!!

Hope ur Pooky hubby isnt cross with me for any of these suggestions. If so, sorry it isn't intentional.


Patty said...

Dear Has to be me,

He doesn't get cross, (I do it enough for both of us.) so no worry.

My favorite food, eggplant parmesan, might be a bit over the top. We will have to wait and see what he has to say about your suggestions.

Thanks for participating! It has been a nice intro into blogging for him. (He is now looking for blogs about electronics that I have to read to pay him back for helping me out........ Lucky me.)

Anonymous said...


Call him "Mister"....maybe he'll enjoy that one.

Patty said...

Mister! I like that one. Am wondering if it is unique enough for him, as he is one of a kind. (The good kind of course!)

Anonymous said...

How about teddy bear or call him "my rock" or Rocky. Papa bear is another one or how about lovey like Mr. Howell called his wife on Gilligan's Island. Pat says how about the traditional sweetie or honey. No imagination there. One more-how about Downward Dog. Have fun!
Love Diana

Patty said...

Mmmmmm.....Downward Dog, because he rocks at that yoga pose.(Unlike I do.) Right? He is not in good enough shape to be called Rocky. (Maybe someday Pooky.)

Tell Pat, I said how could he even suggest such traditional titles, knowing how un-traditional I am?

So many good choices...... I am glad that I don't have to pick the winner!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for responding. Looks like "Pooky" is the least acceptable. That used to be my favorite. However, I am growing fond of "Mister". Anyway, I've enjoyed reading all your responses and hope to see many more.


"Mister" - Patty's husband