Friday, March 31, 2006

Good news........I haven't been caught yet.............

Seems that someone finally clued Mother Nature into the fact that the temperature is suppose to be above freezing, and I have been taking full advantage of that. As I was waking up with my coffee in our "look at room," (Most people call this room a living room, but that would imply one could actually do something in it. I want my family to look and not touch/move anything in this room, so I have a place to impress visitors. Now if the dogs would leave the throw pillows alone.........) when I realized that one of the windows (in the room) had been open for almost a full twenty-four hour period without anyone noticing or complaining that they were cold. It's a miracle!

I was not so lucky with the french doors in my bedroom. I waited until everyone was up and out of the bedroom end of the house, and then I opened the door in our bedroom. Fifteen minutes later, I was busted during a potty run. I shut the door upon request. (and opened the window a crack....Shhh! Don't tell.) Ten minutes later I looked over at the french doors in the TV room, and there was our older cat, in a total panic, because he had gotten locked out when I shut the door! Poor thing! It took half a can of kitty treats to calm him down. (Now that I think about it, maybe it was all an act so he could end up making me feel guilty so I would give him half a can of kitty treats. Do you think? Maybe I should file the expression on his face to use in the event that I ever find myself in the position of having to fight for the last half of the box of expensive chocolates?)

Speaking of expensive chocolates.............. When hubby got home last night, I was explaining that I felt duty bound to get some chocolates from both of the sites that I have talked about but not really tried as of yet. I went on to say that it was only fair to my readership that I try what I had promoted so I could be sure I had given a good recommendation. And, in order to be totally fair, I needed to have a box from each place so I could do a side by side taste compairison in order to give the most accurate report. Good, sound, argument for my side, right? HE TOLD ME NO! Do you believe that?

It could have had something to do with the fact that just two minutes before I had shared with him that I held him TOTALLY responsible for us being in debt, because he could never tell me no. For some reason, he couldn't understand my logic regarding that one either.

Never having learned to take no for an answer, I ask him why he objected, and he told me that I could have the chocolate if I "let him" get a metal lathe. Talk about chocolates and squash! (or was that apples and oranges?) How does one relate to the other? I would say they are both things that we want, but this was the first I had heard of his longing for a metal lathe. I ask him why he needed one of those, and he said "To fiddle with, make..... " I guess I wasn't listening, because I don't know exactly what he said he would use it for. (As I was too busy forming my rebutal, right?) "What happen to the Legos you had to had to fiddle with? (And that I searched for, for two Christmas seasons before actually finding.) I don't see you spending time making knots from the assorted knot making books I have found for you." "When do I have the time?" Was his response. He saw MY point! ......... I promised him that he could have his metal making thingy as soon as he finished all the leftover remodeling things from the past three years. And then went on to point our that since I had finished all the chocolates I had purchased over the past three years, it made perfect sense that I got to get more.

Next, hubby moved onto, "What would what's his name say?" as he gestered towards the stereo. (What's his name,) Dave would say " Is it in the budget?" "Well?" Hubby tried again. (My turn.) "Mmmmm, were those pizzas in the buget? Or the marshmallow bunnies/Hersey nuggets/Keebler cookies?" (His turn.) "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Stop buying me those things, because I eat them when you do." DUH! Isn't that the point? And what does that have to do with my chocolates? Hasn't he figured out yet that when it comes to chocolate I have a one track mind, and changing the subject isn't going to derail me away from my desire? Hubby, "Okay! But don't spend over fifty dollars." What kind of a taste test would that be...... Two pieces from each company?" (Hubbies response,) "Fine! Get what you want." "Are you crazy?" I replied. "I don't have THAT much budgeted for chocolate!" I said, ducking as the pillow wizzed by my head. (He missed by the way......)

Don't you feel sorry for those couples that have the boring "How was your day dear" conversations at the end of a work day? I know that I do, but I'm not sure Hubby would agree with me!

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