Thursday, March 02, 2006

Why I started, (blogging) and why I continue................

In a very kind comment I received the other day, the writer was wondering how and why I began this blog? Always on the look-out for blog material, I thought I would address the question. In reply, the short answer is, "After my intuition kept at me" (In that kind, gentle, nagging way intuition works....... Over and over until we eventually notice.) "I finally listened." Everyone that has been reading my blog knows I am not good with short answer questions. (Even on tests I had to use the back, margins, multiple choice left-over spaces......... I have never caught on to the concept of "less is more," but I,m working on it. Honest!) So........ Allow me to expound on that answer.......

It has always been my nature to meander through life with a "need to know" attitude. That is to say, if it doesn't have immediate relevance to my life, I have no need to know about it. Take electricity for example. As long as the light comes on when I flip the switch, I have no need to understand the mechanics behind it. (Unlike my husband, who's list of pleasure reading would contain books like "The Hows and Whys of Power Surges," and "Electricity, Lighting the Way") If, on the other hand, I flip the switch and nothing happens, understanding "why?" suddenly holds great importance. Such was my attitude towards blogging. I had heard the term, and put it into the category of internet shorthand (which, by and large, I choose not to use) and didn't give it anymore thought.

For as long as I can remember, I have nurtured a dream of becoming a writer. As a teen, my idol was John-Boy Walton. (Such a strange child!) Not willing to risk failure, I steered away from writing as a career choice, and list it as a hobby. Last November, I came across an article about using a blog to help with weight-loss. The author refered to blogging as on-line journaling. Okay! Now I could relate. I have employed the technique of jounaling at differnt junctures of my life, on and/but more often off. (That negative voice in my head is making me type "Something else I didn't stick with." ........ Now be quiet!)

Late December (of last year) was when I had the catalysistic conversation with my trainer. (Please refer to my first post.) At that point in time, I had still not connected all the dots towards blogging, but over the next couple of weeks the concept (of blogging) kept crossing my path. Even after I formed the thought of "I should write a blog," I didn't look into it. I do remember brainstorming with my daughter about different blog titles, but that is as far as it went. One day, with a few minutes to waste, I actually tried to sign up for a blog. On that particular site, you had to send a password and they would send you back what you needed to open an account. I never heard back, and thought "That is that." A few days passed, and my daughter inquired as to what ever happen to my starting a blog. I told her I wasn't wanted (since they never got back with me) and it was their loss. (I LOVE being dramatic with her, as she is such a fabulous drama queen herself.) But then I thought, "I am not going to let rejection stop me," and punched the word Blog into the search engine. I was curious to see if I could present my thoughts and ideas in such a way as to evoke a response out of people. With the first blog, I just wanted someone to say "I get what you were trying to say to your trainer," as a way of proving these new feelings I was discovering regarding food were valid, and not just a figment of my imagination. (Which can be very vivid when I want it to be.)

Not doing so hot on being consise and to the point with this post, I will postpone addressing the "Why I continue" portion until tomorrow.

Before I go, I do want to share that I have already been blessed this Lenten season.

For some reason yesterday's six mile run really kicked my butt. I felt good while running, but really tired later in the evening. I fell asleep around ten, and before I knew it, it was five o'clock and time to get up. (Normally, I wake up several times during the night.) I got up, and then layed back down on the sofa "For a few minutes," praying feverishly that the alarm didn't go off. (The alarm being an infrared signal that sounds an alarm if our safty risk resident is getting out of bed.) The next thing I know, it is six-twenty. The extra needed sleep was great, (and an answer to prayer) but meant that the next hour would be crazy, since our regular residents would be starting their days and I also needed to have our respite resident washed and ready so my daughter could help me transfer her before heading off to school. I opted to postpone the inevitable and have a cup of coffee before beginning my day. (I briefly considered giving up coffee for Lent, but love my family too much to put them through that.) As I was listening to the weather report on TV, my eye caught the bottom of the screen and the flashing school closings. My daughter's school was among them, so that meant I would not have to rush to get our respite resident up. Translation....... Not only did my prayer for a little more sleep get answered, I was given bonus extra time/reduced stress in my morning. The saying is "Great is our reward in Heaven," but I got to tell you I am really digging all these fantastic rewards that keep popping into my life here on Earth! I am so very blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
