Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Truer words were never spoken..........................

A dear friend of mine (You know the kind that functions like another right arm, just when you need a helping hand.) sent these words to me, and I needed to pass them on to all of my readers. I'm sorry that I don't have a source to put with them. The words she sent are below, in quotes:

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back."


I read those words three times in a row, and each time I was reminded of a different broken heart, both received and given. Each time, I wondered if I would be able to go on, but in the end it was all I could do. I am postive that if they do an autopsy when I die, they will find my heart covered with scar tissue, as well as a few places that were cut and bruised during the falling and then re-building of that protective brick wall that surrounds my heart. And yet, if pressed, I would have to admit, (in retrospect,) that something good was born out of each broken heart, so I wouldn't change a thing.

There is a song (sung by Collin Ray) that talks about "All my roads, bring me to this momement," and it is so true. Each of us is the sum total of each of our individual experiences. Some of those experiences we can control to a degree, and some completely pull us along like a tide moving out to sea. Regardless, every experience makes us just a little different then we were before we experienced it. Once we go through something, the only thing we can change about it, is our present attitude towards it.

Because I am a control freak, (as well as a coward,) in the last several years I have been more aware of the situations I place myself in. By listening to the voice within, I have often been able to steer myself towards positive loving people, and away from choices that were negative for me. Does this prevent heartbreak? Not at all. Loving, positive people, still move away (physically or mentally) get cancer, face scary life experiences. I have just found it easier to move through those losses/changes when the memories of the relationships are bright and sunny rather than dark and gloomy. I am a big believer that life can be hard enough without my help, so why not take care of myself as best I can through the choices I make?

I have also discovered that it helps to find a postive in even the worst of heartbreaks. I have made reference in the past regarding the fact that the foster home I lived in was not always the best of environments, but always I remember to add "that at least it allowed me to stay together with my ( four other) siblings, so things could have been worse." I have been fortunate enough to always be able to look back and say, " Things could have been worse." (NOTE: I said "Look back on," NOT "while going through it.") Attitude adjustment....... It works wonders!

So, even if you forget your camera, take lots of snapshots with your mind, fillingly them away for when you need a pick-me-up. Believe that it truly is "Better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all." Allow yourself to grieve your loss and heartbreak, but remember to eventually move on; taking what you need with you, leaving behind the rest. Most of all, ALWAYS BE LOVING AND KIND TO YOURSELF.................. It is the best way to practice how to treat others!

1 comment:

Has to be me said...

Yup those r such nice words! & v gotta try to live by it as much as possible.
& I think u must be a libran isnt it? I'm a scorp....kind of a cusp but I think scorp suits me more! But I m sure some libran traits r there as well! :)