Saturday, April 22, 2006

New Years Resolution soon to be fullfilled, thanks to my blog.......................

As 2005 drew to a close, my oldest and I had a conversation regarding our hopes and plans for the coming year. The idea was to hold one another accountable to their resolutions. Our together resolution was to keep running races together. We have completed one, and have two more scheduled, so we are on target with that one. Yah! My individual resolution was to finally complete the compassion in action training that I have been talking about taking for two years; ever since I met Danion Brinkley and learned about his program. To make a long story short, (Or at least short for me.) one of my readers checked out Danion's web site after I mentioned it, found out that there was to be a training close enough for me to drive to, got the info to me, and I am going to be getting the training next month. I am so excited. A HUGE thank you goes out to (you know who you are) for her interest, investigation, and eagerness to learn and grow.

For newer readers, Compassion in Action is a program designed and implemented so that nobody (Dannion's focus is on America's Veterens) has to die alone. The training gives one the tools (and the piece of paper, that says one has the tools) to offer support to a dying person, and their families. Not only will this training be extreamely benificial in my current career, (and therefore bonus....... the trip is tax deductible) but is a great stepping stone towards the path that I know I am suppose to be heading down. Talk about a win win win!

Right now, the weeds nestled in and among my flowers are calling to me. I find weeding very theraputic. (When I do not have to jump up every five minutes to attend to something else that is.) The weeds seem most happy to give their little green lives for my enjoyment. Maybe, because there are always more waiting to take their place........... They must have nine lives like a cat.


one4JC said...

Please let us know what you think of the training...if it seems worthwhile that would be something I might look into starting in my area.

Has to be me said...

Guess what....I finally managed 2 finish ur tag but some damn reason, I'm unable to publish the post....wonder whats wrong! grrrrrr........:(

Patty said...

I too had trouble publishing this morning. Am excited to read your top ten list. Thanks for compliling it.

Patty said...


Did you get my e-mail about your comment?