Wednesday, May 31, 2006



silverine said...

As an Indian I don't know what the anomaly is in this picture. I see a water hydrant ( I think) and a water meter!

Patty said...

It is a fire hydrant, used by fire trucks to put out burning houses or other structures. It is also where dogs lift their legs in many cartoons and comedy shows/movies. A symbol of that practice if you will. It never occured to me that it was just an American tradition. Thank you for asking for clarification. The post below this one is suppose to go with the picture. Of course, me being me, I wrote the post before blogging the picture and I don't know how to get a picture onto an already written post. Picasso always pulls up a new post when I hit the blog this button. It was good chatting with you, thanks for visiting!

Has to be me said...

Patty, U cud go & edit ur already put up post & then upload the picture where u want to in that blog itself. Just try & if u cant succeed just lemme know. :)

Patty said...

I can barely understand your directions, but when I have a quiet moment (Ya! Like that's gonna happen anytime soon!) I will give it a try again. I did pull up the save post, then went to picasso, and it pulled up a new post. From there I can only either publish or delete. Maybe I could copy and paste?

Has to be me said...

Nopes u can edit it & upload the image in that post itself.