Pleased (to)
Has to be me has given me a letter out of the alphabet to build a
post around. In case anyone else wants to give it a try, (and so you understand why I am creating the list I am creating) the directions are below. If you want to
participate and don't have your own blog, (as in anonymous commenters) you can simply use the comment section to compile you list. Okay! Let's
The Instructions: Comment, and I shall give you a letter. Go back to your journal/blog, and write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation of what those words means to you and why.
plan to start my list with my all time favorite word, that happens to begin with the letter
PLETHORA! I like the way the word rolls off my tounge. I like it's meaning: Abundance, lots of, a bunch, tons, filled to over flowing. My hope for the world ( and every
person/pet in it) is a
plethora of love.
PLAY! Somthing that none of us do enough of, and something that we feel guilty about doing most of the time we are doing it. It is a side effect of growing up, and we could all benefit from re-leaning to
play from the young (at heart regarless of age) around us.
PICTURE! Worth a thousand words, captures a moment in time, brings into focus our hopes and dreams, (you know......
Picture this...........) jolts our memory. So take lots, and look at them often.
PLEASE/PLEASED/PLEASING! What I say (whine)to be polite/get my way. What I am when my family is happy. What I have been addicted to being to others for most of my life. (Not always in a good way. Can I say NO? Not enough, but I am working on it!)
PIE! In certain circles, (that most of you have never heard of)
Patty's Pies are famous. My
pie crust used to be tough as nails, until I discovered the "never fail
pie crust recipe." One truly cannot screw it up.
PIANO! NO! I don't
play, but I have always secretly longed to be able to do so. I wish I could
play any musical instrument, but alas........................ I even bought a guitar once, but I guess my fingers are just too short, because it didn't go well. (one more thing someone will have to clean out of the attic when I die. Now that would be an interesting tag...... "What's in your atic, and why?") I can
play "Three Blind Mice" AND "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on the
piano, so maybe there is hope for me yet.
PANCAKES! I don't really like them or eat them, but my youngest used to LOVE to make them, even before she was tall enough to reach the counter without a chair. I have the most adorable
picture of her about nose high to the counter flipping a
pancake on the griddle. One time, when she was still learning to read a recipe, she put in Tablespoons of baking
powder instead of teaspoons. (For those of you that don't cook, trust me, this is not a good thing.) We didn't want to hurt her feelings, so we managed to choke them down with lots of syrup and jam, and it is still one of the family memories that we laugh about the most.
PUMPED! What I am about my up-coming Hospice training, and my up-coming road and trail races. As I said before, the hospice training will fullfill my New Years resolution. While nothing comes to mind, (It's been a few years since I have made a formal resolution, and my memory isn't what it used to be.) I'm also sure it will be the first one I have actually kept. I have touched base with "You know who you are," and am as excited to actually meet her face to face as I am about the training. The first of the two races will mark my one year anniversary of racing. Bonus, it has worked out that (my) Mister gets to come with me. It will be the first time the two of us have gone anywhere together since last August. That's a L-O-N-G time. The trail race has me
pumped because it will be another first in my life. There is already talk about an even longer trail race next year, but I told all the youngsters that we should find out how much I slow them down before extending me a formal invite for next year. I did find out that my age gives us a boost (increases our handicap) as far as scoring
purposes, so sometimes old age can be a
plus.PURPLE! Mom's favorite color. (Talking (my) Mister's birth mom, but I adopted her when I met him, and always valued her motherly advice and opinions.) It will soon be the one year anniversary of her death, and was our first Mother's Day without her. Whenever I see anything that is the color
purple, but especially
purple flowers, it ALWAYS brings mom to mind. Even though she has left this earth, I still rely on her advice and opinions, and the color
purple is one of the ways I stay connected to her.
PEOPLE! People who need
people...... Are the luckiest
people in the world....... (Barbra Steisand song lyrics for you young
people.) It takes all kinds to make the world go round. Can't live with them, can't live without them. (NO! Wait! That's men isn't it?)
That was fun now wasn't it? Remember, anyone is invited to play, and it is easy to join in. (See above instructions.) Which one of you can top this sentence using my list of words?
plethora of
people where
pumped about
playing pleasing music on a
purple piano while eating
pie and