Saturday, January 06, 2007

Talk about spoiled......... 

Emma has us all trained to jump at first bark. If we don't, she will gradually increase the volume in her bark until we stop what we are doing and take care of her needs. Case in point last night:

She sleeps with my youngest, but for some reason was barking to get out of her room. The first bark woke me up, but I thought maybe she was having a doggie dream. As the barks patiently continued, I figured she must need to go out so I finally got up and took her upstairs (at which time (my) Mister finally surfaced into consiousness and offered to take her out. I WAS AWAKE NOW! It was raining, and the little pampered princess hates to get wet, but after several barked orders (from me not her) she finally left the deck. I am never sure if she actually goes, or simply goes around the corner and waits a few minutes so I think she has gone, but I choose to believe she does.

Back downstairs I put her back in my youngest's room hoping to salvage some sleep time. Two minutes later I hear a bark from her, let her out of the room, and she looks up at me asking permission to get in bed with me. "Are you nuts dog? You are my least favorite pet right this minute so don't even begin to think you are getting in bed with me." She went off to sulk somewhere and of course I was wide awake at this point (not to mention jealous of (my) Mister who can sleep anytime, anywhere, in a matter of a few seconds). I read for a couple of hours to try and get sleepy enough to doze back off. Finally, I turned out the light and was relaxing off when I hear, "bark." Emma was ready to go back to bed now and needed the door opened.

I managed to get another hour and half of sleep, once she settled down. Our little princess will sleep until ten or so as she does every day, then come up, eat a leisurely breakfast and lounge on her favorite pillow for the remainder of the morning. Life of Reily ha! I'll take the life of Emma any day. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Yes, I have often longed to have the life of the dog in our house as well--Licorice is just as spoiled and opinionated I might add. Better take a nap today. Have a great day. (ORA)

Anonymous said...

My lovely cat can just roll with me on the bed. Sometimes I awaken as I roll over to feel her walking along the top of me. It reminds me of those lumberjack contests when they logroll for fun.

However there is no excuse in her book for sleeping past 5:00am on the weekends. Since I am up before that during the week she doesn't want me to oversleep on Saturday!

BTW is anyone else having trouble with the screen freezing since the two top boxes were added on the side? It has been for quite a while now. When I first come I have to scroll down quickly until the top two load fully and then I can go back up and read the post. If not... frozen and I have to exit all the way out to my desktop and restart the browser.

Just curious...

Patty said...

Good to hear I am not alone ladies.

One4JC, do you think it is because I have not stwitched to The new blog system yet? I can't figure out a good reason why I should, but then I know next to nothing about computers. Am I missing out on something great by sticking with the old formate?

Sometimes, all the stuff on the side goes to the bottom of the page, and things load slow, but I thought this was my computer. I have never had things totally freeze up. Sorry you are having troubles, and thank you for your dedication and for coming back dispite your trouble.