Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A lesson in determination.....................................

Many years ago (at least five), my oldest gave me a hibiscus plant for Mother's day. By some miracle, as it is not native to my area, the plant has grown and thrived on my "little attention/neglect" style of gardening. In fact, it has done so well, that each fall when I bring it back inside after a summer of sun I have to whack off the top branch as it has grown taller than my ceilings. This year, I took the whacked off branch and stuck it in some water just to see what would happen (and because I felt a little bad about having cut it off).

As you can see from the above pictures (sorry they are sideways. I am just happy to have just gotten them on the post) the branch not only took root, but it flowered as well (even in the dirty green water that I never get around to changing). No! The photos have not been doctored (had I done that why would I have not cleaned up the water as well?). The whacked off branch thrived in spite of the odds against it. Talk about determination.

This little flowering branch can be a lesson to us all. So many times we allow ourselves to not grow and flower because we are waiting for better conditions in which to do so. "When I am out of school/debt/a bad relationship/the kids are in school/etc... then I will_________". One could allow an entire life to pass with this mind-set, and that would be very sad.

While you are hanging out in the dirty water of your current life, take note of one little thing that you can grab hold of and make better. While waiting for the big changes, focus on making ten little changes one after another. Instead of saying, "I can't do ______." Say, "I might not be able to do _____ YET, but I can do ____, and _____, and ______." Before you know it, that big change you were hanging out waiting for is your reality. It happens every day folks, and it CAN happen to you, if you are just brave enough to invite it in and believe in the reality of it.

Adopt the attitude of the branch, and dare to will change the world around you.


Has to be me said...

Thats such a pretty hibiscus there! And wow really appreciate ur msg there! Well done girl! :)

Patty said...

Has to be me,

The flower is especially lovely with all the snow and cold outside, sort of a promise of things to come.

I think you can appreciate the message, because you have learned to practice it. You are a great example to those around you.