Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Does it show?...................

I finally caved in and switched to the updated version of blogger.

What finally got me to do so was
T-girls pronouncement that the new system has a good spell checker in it. I am horribly spell-check dependent...could you tell? I used to keep a word document open and when I didn't know how to spell something, I would pull it up and use the spell checker on it. My youngest taught me that little trick. It is much faster than a dictionary.

Two nights in a row I have only woke up one time during the night. That is huge for me, and may be why I am feeling on top of the world right now. Even though technically, I am still suppose to be taking a muti-vitamin, Vit-C, and iron, I haven't been and it feels great to not have to be swallowing pills several times a day. I don't know how people that have to do it all the time deal with it. People tell me that I would get used to it, but I wonder how?. No matter what I take, first they sit in my throat (or at least it feels like they are lodged there), and then they hit my stomach and I feel nauseated for twenty minutes or so. Exercise and eating right are much easier than this.

Christmas eve, I started knitting a tank top (for my new figure). It is knit in the round, which means you join the first stitch to the last stitch after you cast on all the stitches and when you are finished knitting you have the front and back of the garment and there are no seams in it. The tank has a really pretty design in the bottom, and the first row was impossible, as I had to count, re-count X many to make sure I was doing it right. It must have taken me two weeks to get around that first row (198 stitches is all). The second row was almost as hard, kind of like knitting blind as I was teaching myself something I didn't know how to do. Anyway, I stuck with it, worked my way up the pattern, was liking the way it looked, and finally completed the first pattern last Saturday during my self-imposed bed-rest day, only to realize that I had twisted the dumb thing somehow despite my checking and re-checking ad nauseum! Talk about depressing! Just when I was beginning to enjoy the knitting, I was going to have to rip it out and start over. I thought about just chucking it, but I won't allow myself to be a quitter.

I finally got up the gumption to rip it out yesterday afternoon, and re-cast on last night. To my complete and utter surprise, it is not as difficult the second time around. Mmmmmm...maybe I learned something during the process the first time (like they make those little marker things for a very good reason). Again, I checked and triple checked to be sure I didn't twist the work when I joined it together, but if I did, I figure the third time will be a charm. After all, if I am being entertained with the process, it doesn't really matter how many times I have to start over right? I am totally blaming it on that stupid request of mine all those years ago for patients. Thanks to that request I am still being tested all these years later. What was I thinking way back then?

I just had a thought about apologizing for my boring, mundane life, but sorry, I really like boring so I will not apologize. I also know there are many weird and fascinating blogs out there for those of you that crave that kind of a read. I am here for a nice contrast to those, when you need a break from chaos, so think of my boring life as a public service for those times, and come back when you need (or want) to.

P.S. Thanks T-girl, that spell checker really is nice!


Anonymous said...

Spell checker is great unless the word you type in error is an actual word such as the word "has" at the beginning of the last paragraph when I really think you meant "had". Bummer.. I do enjoy your post, boring or not, they are great! Keep up the good typing and the knitting too, it is theraputical. (ORA)

Patty said...

I did indeed mean had, at least I know someone is reading with an attention to detail.

Sheri said...

I read your blog daily because I love your attitude. Boring or not you seem to have it all together! And by the way . . . I'm horrible at spell check and I suck at typing. I need to be more patient and use the darn thing! LOL

Random Musings said...

ha ha
I refuse to switch..lol I am so stubborn

Patty said...

Thank you Sheri, though I think, most days, that I am about as far away from together as one can get. That is why I love the notion of "fake it till you make it.


I'm not a trader, just a "what's in it for me" kinda gal. I finally found a reason that was worth my while. So now it is my turn... Are you really just stubborn, or afraid of the unknown? (I know I can be) I think eventually they are going to make you switch (maybe years from now) and I hate having people tell me I have to do something worse than I do change in general.