Friday, February 02, 2007

Short, sweet, and to the point..........................

Ya! Like I can ever just get to a point, without first giving great detail of the journey. See, I'm doing it already!

The main point is I actually have to work this morning so I don't have a lot of time to post. My morning started out with one of the worst messes I have seen in quite some time, but I will spare you the details just saying that I was showering a resident BEFORE my first cup of coffee this morning. I bet that drew some sympathy pains from some of you didn't it?

The foot doctor also came this morning. Now this isn't any work for me, but I like to visit with him while he works and this puts me behind on my computer time. Funny, but I don't think any of you will give me any sympathy on this note.

Last evening, around 9:30 (which is akin to Midnight for my body clock) my youngest said she needed to talk to me about a couple of things. When ever she starts a sentence with, "Hey Mommy," I know the translation is that she needs something from me. The first thing she needed was an idea for a paper that she needed to write. The topic was to be about a "life changing event." Come on...the kid is seventeen. What possible event in her life could be that life changing? I gave her a couple of ideas that she thought were too personal (what life changing event wouldn't be personal?), and then she said, "I will just write about when we got Andy (the cat). Now there is a real snoozer for you, but it IS her paper and I didn't have to read and grade it now did I? I gave it one more shot and told her to write about being the baby of the family with the next oldest child being eight years older. She liked that idea and moved on to request number two.

Seems that her bi-weekly cafe something or other (every two weeks for Spanish class they have some kind of food and beverage and have to speak only in Spanish) was today, and EVERY single kid in the class had requested that she bring the coffee cakes that she had brought in once before. She had told them that she didn't have time to make them but that she would see if I would be able to do so. Of course you know that while I secretly was thrilled that they wanted more of my great cooking, I couldn't let her know this. How many times does a parent get to whine and carry on about what a burden it is to be a parent without doing great mental damage to said child? Since it was so late, I didn't do too much, but made up for it this morning when I told her she had better be nominating me for parent of the Century; I deserved much more than parent of the year for agreeing to make her coffee cakes. She just laughed and replied, "Of course I am Mommy." She has learned by now that it is fine to blow me off, as long as she makes the correct noises along the way.

Actually I am glad for an excuse to bake something. The worst thing about giving up sugar is that there is no reason to make deserts any more. I love to bake, find it a good creative outlet, and miss doing it, so really she was doing me a favor. Don't tell her that though. A parent needs to keep an upper hand at all costs. Right now, however, my allotted posting time is over. If I am going to have the coffee cakes out of the oven at just the right time, I had better get out there and rev up the mixer. Have a great day!


Has to be me said...

Have fun baking....& eating it too! On my behalf as well!!

Nice 2 note abt ur cruise! Have fun girl...with ur other girl friend. Lucky u! :)

Patty said...

Has to be me,

I'm not eating it...remember that little race I am training for? Part of training it to eat well if not (necessarily) yummy. Things like an apple with reduced fat peanut butter, or a big bowl of whole wheat pasta. They say you are what you eat, and let me tell you my inner thighs look just like a big bowl of pasta...the cooked kind that is all jiggley and soft.

Random Musings said...

Ha ha, you have just explained a lot about my mother.. lol just kidding... I love to bake too, its just so much work and then I just eat it all!!
Oh I did a post about you! I have having issues with blogger posting the damn thing though

Patty said...

Oh boy! Whenever stupid blogger lets you post your post about me will I be considered famous? Don't worry, I won't let it go to my head to the point of forgetting all my blog supporters from BEFORE I was a star.