Friday, February 23, 2007

Can it be Friday already?..............................

They say time flies when you’re having fun, and it would seem that I have proven that statement, and because of that fact am have a small panic attack this morning. After all the walking I did for my shore excursions along with the fact that I hate taking the elevators (I can’t stand the notion of people thinking I am a slacker don’t ya know?) my legs are feeling pretty tired at the moment. Tired legs going into a race is not a good thing, so I have vowed to use the elevators, like it or not, and my big plans for today and tomorrow are to lay around so I am sure that I will be fine by Sunday. Oh ya, I have placed myself on restrictions; NO heels (except for dinner) no matter how bad my outfit might look in my flat sandals. Say a prayer that I am successful at resting my legs so that during the race I might focus on my prayer list instead of how crappy/tired my legs feel.

I continue to be having a blast, and my angels continue to send people into my days at just the right moment. My first excursion, I got on the bus and just before take off a real sweetie from New Orleans ask if he might sit in the empty seat beside me. I am sure I was a bad influence on him because we spent the tour laughing more than we did listening to the tour guide. Can I help it if I have ADHD and am easily distracted? And just in case anyone out there is interested, he is forty-two, successfully self-employed, and available (Check him out in the pic above). He was on the cruise with his family, celebrating his parent’s fiftieth wedding anniversary. His dad is experiencing a pretty significant health decline so I educated him about hospice and he was very appreciative, being a caring, concerned son. Oh ya, and he has never been married so he doesn’t that the baggage that goes along with that. So, if anyone out there is interested, let me know quick and I will ask my angels to find him for me before I get off the ship, since I have not ran into him since the excursion ended.

Enough about cruising for now, I need a favor…
I have been keeping a pretty serious situation under wraps for a few weeks now because it has been really hard to even think about let alone talk about. My sister (the one that had a heart attack last May, you know the only sister that I have left, the sister that I can’t even imagine not having in my life) was diagnosed with bladder cancer several weeks back. Her urologist went in and removed the mass from her bladder, but it had grown into the wall of the bladder so yesterday she underwent an operation to have her bladder removed as well as having a new one fashioned out of part of her intestines. (Nope! I didn’t know that one could live without a bladder either, but thank goodness I was wrong.) My niece-in-law (her son’s fiancé) let me know through e-mail that she came through the surgery and now the recovery phase begins. Please keep her in her prayers that things will progress just the way they are suppose to and that her body adapts to the new situation without serious trauma to her body, mind, and spirit. Thanks for your support guys, I don’t know what I would do without you.

Sorry about the format, I don't want to waste minutes figuring out what happen when I cut and pasted so deal with it for now okay?

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