Monday, February 13, 2006

Venturing out..........I was richly rewarded......................

Having my business in my home, I don't get out much. This is fine with me, as I love my house. I really think I could not go out for months, before I would finally feel a desire to do so. (Too bad I can't put this to the test.)

Last Friday, I did need to go out (to a clinic, not a drug store) to pick up a perscription for one of my residents. It was a quick in and out, and took about three minutes. Since the clinic is on a college campus, they use a token system to keep extra traffic out of the parking lot. As I pulled out to leave, there were two cars in front of me, and one car right up at the gate. As I took a second look, I noted that the car at the gate wasn't moving, and was minus the driver. After another few minutes I noticed an older gentleman heading towards the parked car. In the next two minutes it became apparent that the gentleman was having trouble getting out of the gate. At exactly the same time another woman and I got out of our cars, and went to see if we could be of assistance. As we were approaching the car, a third woman came out of the building with a token, thinking that maybe this was the problem. This poor gentleman was mortified that he was holding up traffic. Assuring him it was no problem, we got him backed up a bit, inserted his token, and got him on his way. By this time, there were about ten cars waiting to exit. As I headed back to my car, I noted that all the waiting drivers appeared relaxed and were smiling. Isn't that wonderful?

These drivers could have just as easily been angry and upset at having to wait. I have seen that very behavior many times. (Most frequently when I have my typical three hundred dollar shopping order at the check-out lane. Couldn't they tell with my mountain of items that they would be better off picking a different lane?) No matter the circumstances, we ALWAYS have a choice as to how we respond; Positive or negative it is always our choice. When my kids were younger, and would come to me saying "so and so made me so mad!" I would always reply, "No! You are choosing to get mad." (Though that was/is the truth, they didn't like hearing it, and would often stomp off pouting mad.)

Lately, I have been making poor, or at least not the best choices, regarding food. I have to own that.

There are daily choices to be made regarding career/money/relationships/etc... I think we sometimes lose sight of the fact that we do indeed make the choices that affect them all. It becomes a habit to believe that we are simply Marionette puppets (and our choices are) being controlled by someone else. "I would love to quit work, but I have a mortgage." While this may be a true statement, you still do have the option of quiting. The results of that choice may not be something you want to deal with. By making it someone else's fault, it lets us off the hook doesn't it?

Remebering that you always have a choice CAN be very powerful. An example of this is something I began to practise at the time I decided to stop using credit cards. Instead of saying "I can't afford ________." I began to say "I choose not to spend my money on _________." I don't know how it worked, but that one little change was the beginning of the turnaround of our financial situation.

Making a choice not to be dragged into the drama of another's life has freed me more than I can say. Sometimes, the negative patterns in one's lives, become their identity. Without their illness/debt/dysfunctional relationship, they would be nothing (or at least would not be who they have become comfortable being). That is their choice, and though we may not agree with _________, they have the choice to do __________. Can you see how believing this can be freeing for you?

Choices being set aside, (Ever notice how I tend to go off on tangents?) and getting back to my original story, I am really glad that I got to witness hunan kindness in action. Seeing all those smiles, really got my weekend off to a good start!

It can be easy to focus on how much is wrong with our world, but I am glad I was witness to the good that goes on daily. I Believe that change can, and does, begin with one person, one action at a time. As each of us choose to be that one person, collectively we DO make the world a better place. Thank you for all you do in your own little corner of the world. Keep up the great work!

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