Thursday, February 16, 2006

Mother nature has an amusing sense of humor...............

Began my day today, at three in the morning, fighting through four to six inches of snow to get to the airport. Just as I was re-thinking my decision to not spend the big bucks on a massage on-board ship (I was beginning to think I would need it to get my shoulders out of my ears secondary to tension) the snowy roads turned to rainy roads and I WAS SAVED!!! Map Quest is one of lifes great inventions.

So, now, sixteen hours later I am on my way to the Bahama's for a little fun in the sun. Since I have relaxed a bit, I am spending the big bucks on internet time instead of a massage.......Lucky you! There are so many things to do (and eat) that I will need to keep these blogs shorter than normal........ (I heard you cheering!)

Speaking of eating....... So far so good. I have been on the ship for six hours now, and have only eaten the top off a piece of pizza, a really yummy salad, and one desert (Out of a choice of six or so, I stopped counting.) Oh! Ya! I ate some (maybe twelve) of my son's fries with some ranch dressing..... almost forgot those. I have also ran three miles on the treadmill, and lifted a few weights. A bit disapointed that we are on an older ship, so the gym isn't that great. It is better than nothing, and I will make the most of what they have to offer.

Okay, I just came in for a minute to sign up for minutes while there was someone on duty to do so with. This must be a record short blog for me....... Imagine!

Thinking of you (all), and planning on having enough fun for all of us!

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