Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Here comes the judge(ment)........ NOT!!!!!!!

After writing yesterday's blog, I was reading from the book "The Four Agreements" and I thought what I read supported/went along with what I was talking about and wanted to share it with you. The paragraphs in parenthases are from the book.

"We don't need to know or prove anything. Just to be, to take a risk and enjoy your life, is all that matters. Say no when you want to say no, and yes when you want to say yes. You have the right to be you. You can only be you when you do your best. By doing your best, you don't need to judge yourself, feel guilty, or punish yourself".

Talk about a powerful statement, and totally within your reach. Know that your best is going to change from day to day depending on many many things. When I was working outside my home, I always did my job as if someone important (boss, family member, etc...) was watching me. Funny how I still do that even though I AM the boss! It is an easy way for me to make sure that I am always doing my best. Now I am using this blog as a way of reminding me I am being watched by all of you to help me keep on the path to healthy eating and living. Must be I am stuck in one of the earlier stages of Kolberg's Theory of Moral Development (the fear of punishment/letting someone down controls the behavior).

One more part of the book I want to share:

" I have fallen many times, but I stood up and kept going. And I fell again, and I kept going. I didn't feel sorry for myself. I said, "If I fall, I am strong enough, I am intelligent enough, I can do it!" I stood up and kept going. So if you fall, do not judge. Do not allow your judge the satisfaction of turning you into a victim."

Again, some days are going to be easier then others. Yesterday, a friend(who has lost eighty-four pounds over the past ten months)called in a (near) panic, because she had been nibblings on candy throughout the day. Instantly all of her past hard work fell by the way-side, and she could only focus on loosing control on this one particular day (I can relate, can you?). Now all of you gals have already guessed that she was hormonal, and once I pointed out that she had exercised (that day),and continued to eat her normal healthy diet, she agreed that one day of eating chocolate did NOT mean she had comprimised her overall lifestyle changes, and she WAS NOT A FALIURE! I encouraged her to enjoy the momement (and the chocolate) and get good and satified from her indulgence and then move on to her next experience. Most of the time, I think we find it easier to stay in the moment of beating ourselves up and playing those failure tapes over and over. Sometimes we allow our failures to become our identities, rather than our learning experiences.

So, give your judge the rest of the week off, and focus instead on your inner strength, taking a risk, enjoying life, and loving yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am giving my judge the rest of the week off, right now! you reminded me of a really important message i learned long ago and used to preach loudly to all my friends - life is to enjoy and moments are only moments - both good and bad - so move to the next with enthusiasm and grace, free of judgements and open to the excitement. thanks.