Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I called my licensing person (one must be licensed by the state to provide adult foster care in my state), to ask him a question about paper work yesterday and found out that he is retiring at the end of the week. I am so glad that brain kept nagging me to remember to call because I would have missed having a chance to thank him for his service and wish him well.

Several years ago I was at some conference, chatting with other providers and the topic turned to licensing. This guys name came up as one of the toughest, meanest licensing people in the history of licensing. Two weeks later He called me to tell me he had picked up my area and would be making a visit within the week.

I will admit to being a little nervous (okay, train wreck might be a more apt description) the morning he was to arrive, but when I opened the door the fact that he looked normal enough (not a horn to be found) calmed me a bit. Turns out he is a really nice guy!

He dinged my license a bit (my water was a tad too hot and one of the pill bottle's label did not match the dose I was giving per verbal order from the doctor), but the way I figure it, if he doesn't find something I can do better at, either he isn't doing his job to the best of his ability or he is wasting my time. We made a plan of correction to fix those problems that day and then both went about doing our jobs.

Over the past couple of years he has always been prompt in addressing my needs/questions, and I have never perceived him to be harsh or "out to get me," just very good at his job. I will miss working with him directly, but in chatting yesterday found that he is a hospice volunteer so I am guessing that our paths will cross again in the future.

That is the funny thing about perceptions; they are rarely totally accurate. Everything one brings to a relationship clouds every particle of the relationship making it unique to each of us. The guy that some of us think of as a jerk might be some one's really great husband and father. That lady that drives us crazy with her - fill-in-the-blank - may be using that same skill to the benefit of others. (yes she could be!)

So here is a little activity for you to try from the Course in Miracles... The next time you are feeling less than loving towards someone say (to yourself so as not to get carted away), "The spirit of God/Love/Whatever in me salutes the spirit of God/Love/Whatever in you." And then continue the encounter noting if anything changes, either in physical form or simply in your attitude. This is no guarantee that it will stop people from having jerk-like behaviors, but it might assist you in not getting all worked up about it, or at least seeing that jerk-they-may-be they are also a fellow human being wanting to be loved and accepted.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a good exercise. I would be more interested even in not getting worked up about such a situation, rather than people not behaving like jerks. If I don't get worked up about it, they can do all they want.
I shall try this.

Anonymous said...

Oh and thank you SO much for your extensive comments on my blog. Always appreciated, you know that.

Patty said...

It is so very easy to let ourselves get sucked into another person's drama. I continue to be a huge work in progress in that regard.

I love that you love my comments Dee. You are walking a path simular to one I have traveled, and it is enforcing for me to have you relate to things that have worked for me.

Lena said...

I always love it when someone who has a bad rep turns out to be someone I can admire and respect.
They do always turn out to be just good at their jobs!

Yes, I agree that everyone just wants to be loved and accepted... so easy to forget in our day to day situations. A great Course excercise.

Patty said...


Since I tend to be one of those strong, expressive type of personality I am sure more than one person heard negative things about me before actually meeting me. It is good to have your feedback that some people enjoy proving a voiced opinion wrong.

T. and little D. said...

Your blog is really inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I just read some weeks ago about this "technique" to think of the love/happiness seeking one in another person when he/she annoys or angers you. It is fascinating that you are practicing this. It is no more a theory, read in a book. Very cool! I like this!

Maria said...

Since I am not much of a believer, that exercise wouldn't do me much good...but, I do think that it is important to not always trust first impressions.

My bff and I got off to a rough start when our first conversation was about bottle vs breast feeding. She was pro breast, I was open minded. After we got past that timber, we found that we were soul mates on just about every other topic. Thank goodness that we both opted to hang with it together and see what else we could talk about....

Patty said...

Little D,

I am glad you are back. I noticed in blog surfing but have not had time to read your latest post yet. Sometimes I will hear about the same topic everal times in a short period. I see this as the universe hitting me over the head with an idea I need to pay attention to because sometimes I can be real dense. This happen with the book, Eat, Pray, Love. It keeps showing up and I must just read the book and see what is in it for me but I have been trying to finish some of the books I already have before getting more.


You make me smile.