Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Time for a change?.............

I have been thinking lately that it is time to change the title of my blog. Problem is I can't settle on a title. Okay! I haven't really taken anytime to think of the perfect title to represent me and what I post about. Why do you think I have my dog Ben as my picture? Because I couldn't find one that I felt REALLY represented what I wanted to convey. So, I settled.... Being way cuter than I am, it wasn't a bad settlement! Now, I am thowing out a challenge.............

To my regular readers, as well as any drop ins, tell me what you think would be a fitting title for my blog. You can also send pictures for a Ben replacement if you think you have the perfect one. The prize? Bragging rights for coming up with a great title, and a mention in a post. Oooooo! I know you are all dying to win that one, so let those entries start pouring in! Enter as many times as you like, and thanks in advance for your help.


Has to be me said...

How abt Ms Marathon runner?! Sorry I dont have any pics to contribute...mylaptop crashed & Im using an alternative! But Im sure u cud surf the web to get something saucy! Goodluck hunting! :)

silverine said...

Yeah..neoblast is def not you, you are way too sweet a person for that. How about "koolmom" ? Or 'benandme" or even "caregiver"? :)

And Ben looks just fine in your profile pic!

Patty said...


I can't imagine what I would do if my laptop crashed. Okay! Yes I can. I know exactly what I would do...... Cry and then tell (my) Mister to fix it. Then when he told me I should have backed stuff up, I'd tell him that he was the computer programmer not me, and he would remind me that he works with mainframe computers not PCs, and..... Think we've done that dance before wouldn't you?

I have only finished a half marathon not a full (13.1 Vs. 26.2) so I'd better hold off on that one for now. Keep thinking...


Why doesn't it surprise me that you vote for me to keep Ben around? Is he still dancing around your computer screen?

Do you know that "neoblast" is the medical term for "new cell?" I picked this as my computer login name when I turned forty as a way of representing a new me. I don't need to change my login name, I want to change the title of my blog. Using your suggestions how about, "Taking care of benandmeandeveryoneelse within shouting distance." (Ha! Ha! I take care of a lot of people that are hard of hearing)


I can't decide which I like better, soul gardener or soul tender. Maybe it could be garden AND soul tenderer, except my garden is so overgrown with weeds right now, that that will be a bit of a strech. Re-work this for me, please, and work in something about weeds and/or weeding.

Anonymous said...

How about "Tend the soul, the weeds will take care of themselves...

There that's my opinion, even if I did have to tag onto someone else.

Other Right Arm

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.