Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Send me to my room......PLEASE!....................

In observing a young mom trying to cope with her cranky kids in the store the other day, I couldn't help but find it amusing that all the things I used to do (or threaten to do) to my kids as a means of controlling un-suitable behaviors, are all the things I long for as an adult.

How great would it be if someone said to me, "Go to your room, and don't come out until you have thought about your behavior, and how you might handle things in the future." I would happily comply, assuming that is, there was some imaginary person waiting in the wings to handle all of the things that I would normally be doing outside of my room. I could lay on my bed and rehash the details, rewrite the outcome, imagine a "do over." Then I would repeat the sequence sprawed out on the floor, and finally compair all of my ideas in a leisurely fashion reclined on my bedside chair. When whomever had prounced the punishment returned to see if I had learned my lesson, I would have a whole new perspective to share with him/her.

And then there is the question "If you were stranded on a deserted island, what one person would you want to be stranded with?" My question is "Do I HAVE to pick someone to be with me? Can't I just be ALL alone?" Once upon a time, long long ago, when I was single, worked outside of my home, and my children would go to their father's house every other weekend, I used to turn off the phone, shut up the house and go the entire two and a half days without talking to anyone. (But myself of course.) It was heaven! Mostly, because I didn't have to worry about meeting anyone's needs but my own.

People tell me I will miss ______ when they/it are/is gone. (And even though I think to myself, "Are they nuts?" I don't argue, because I know they just might be right.) I guess this it along the same lines of "not appreciating something until it is gone," or "wanting what you don't have, grass always greener on the other side of the fence" kind of thing. Sometimes I even get sad looking back to the time my kids were little and safe under my roof. This saddness is always fleeting, and I really am happy that they are living their own lives as I have have been living mine. It is all part of the cycle of life, as it should be, and I really wouldn't change a thing.

When I sat down to write todays post, I really didn't have a topic, so I decided to do the morning routine first, confident that when I came back to the computer the blog topic would have formed in my head. I find it interesting that the above came out, because it obviously was on my mind even though not in my conscious thoughts. Maybe it's time to plan an escape. Even if it is only a ten minutes detour from the daily grind. I think I could manage that without anyone noticing.


Anonymous said...

Just want you to know I think someone would miss you even if you were gone only 10 minutes!! I do agree however, if we only knew then what we know now!!!
Other Right Arm

Has to be me said...

I know its so nice to be alone & unbdisturbed when u want some peace! I love it too but I dont think I can manage 2 1/2 days!!!! :)

Patty said...

Other Right Arm,

Boy! Do you know my life or what? That is why this running of mine is such a good thing. As I told you, thanks to you, I was able to put my job aside and focus on me for the time I was gone. It really helps me do a better job when I am able to do this from time to time.

Love ya!

Patty said...

Trust me Has to be me, you COULD learn to enjoy it, especially if you laid in a large stock of good quality chocolates, and a stack of your favorite movies. You would be wondering where all the time went!

Has to be me said...

hmmmm yes interesting option!!!!! :)

aWoman'sBlog said...

My children are grown but I remember. I taught them about Mommy's quiet time. It took as much time to train them as any other work I did but it was worth it. Sometimes Quiet Time was only a ten-minute break from the daily grind, but still well worth it. Then you can come back ready for a few more hours and if you're lucky, you can sneak in another quite time (or two:-)

Good luck

one4JC said...

Yes I understand that as well...

Some days I would give anything if someone would "make me" lay down for a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. And then offer to rub my back until I go sleep?! Oh the things we do "to" the children...

Patty said...

Thanks for stopping by. I bet if the day has not already arrived, your children will take what you taught them and teach it to their own children now that they are the ones needing the ten minutes breaks to get through the day.

Just reading the words "rubbing their backs until they fall asleep" made me relaxed and sleepy. That has to be one of the best "good touches" in the whole world! Oh to be a little one in your care..... Ahhhhh.......