Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Butterflys are free to fly, and land where they choose......................
First let me say to Has to be me................... I added this picture, just like you said I could. What you forgot to tell me (that I stumbled onto) was to click on the little blue button above. Once I found that, it was easy.
Yesterday, I wasn't hungry at lunch time, so I went outside, and sat down to enjoy the sun for a few minutes. As I was sitting there focusing on clearing my mind, A butterfly (actually I think it was a moth, but hey!) flew over and landed on my shoulder. We sat like that, enjoying one anothers company for a full two minutes before he flew off to continue his exploring.
This little encounter reminded me that there are so many miracles available to us, on a daily basis, if we just take time to stop and notice them. Much of the time, I am so focused on inner junk that I miss the wonder of nature. Even if you live in a big city, you can marvel at the way something green will find its way up through a crack in the concrete. Talk about persistance! These things are put in our path to teach us lessons. Sometimes that lesson is very simply to experience joy in the world around us.
My hope is I can use the calm I felt while the butterfly was on my shoulder as a feeling I can recall when things in my world are not quite as peaceful. By spending time reliving and remembering that feeling, it is my hope that it will become a tool to be retrieved when I need it.
What are your weapons against the chaos in your life? What do you rely on to transport you out of your day to day stresses? Remember to invite them in and spend time with them often, (when you are not stressed,) so they will be at your disposal when you need them most. Just like all other relationships, our self-relaxation triggers need to be nurtured and cared for if we want to be able to rely on them to give back to us. Remember to check out the miracle, that is patiently waiting to be noticed today.


Has to be me said...

Congrats on making it my gal! :) sorry on missing on the icon...I just assumed u knew that!

I sp liked this post of urs for these words - "This little encounter reminded me that there are so many miracles available to us, on a daily basis, if we just take time to stop and notice them. Much of the time, I am so focused on inner junk that I miss the wonder of nature."

Thats just so beautiful!

Patty said...

Man! Blogger frustrates me sometimes. I wrote you a comment Has to be me, but when I went to publish it, POOF! Vanished into thin air. And bonus! Whenever blogger has trouble, my sidebar ends up at the bottom of the page, until some magical time in the future when it just stops jumping down to the bottom. Figure that one out my little computer genius!

Anyway........ I wanted to thank you for telling me what you liked about my post. My inner-writer-wanabe appreciated it very much!