Friday, December 22, 2006

Rough day yesterday..................................

I went to see the surgeon on Wednesday afternoon. (Of course) he said that he wished all of his patients were like me, nurturing this over achiever's ego pretty darn well. I was only able to get one of the drains out, but I will live with that. He also wanted me to take an antibiotic since there was one little area that was a bit red. Again no big deal... Nope, that's not right...

I ended up having a reaction to the antibiotic, being dizzy, sick to my stomach, and just plain yuck! I told (my) Mister that now I felt like I had had surgery, as the way I felt yesterday was much more the way I had invisioned feeling. Our thougths are powerful, and maybe I brought it on myself. The lesson I am choosing to take away from my experience yesterday is not to take even a simple thing like feeling good for granted.

I think we all do that a lot. I know I take the great blessings I have been given (like electricity, water, health) for granted much of the time. When do we most appreciate electricity? When we have a power failure of course. The same it true for lots of things (and people) in our daily lives.

I worked my butt off to prepare and get ready for my surgery so that I might have the easiest recovery possible. I just didn't appreciate how easy it really was until I couldn't stand up for more than a few seconds without feeling sick. You had better believe that I am going to be much more grateful for feeling good after yesterday's experience.

While most of us don't tend to invite the negative into our lives, it shows up anyway from time to time. Like with everything else, it isn't about what shows up, it is about what you do with what shows up. Every experience we are given is designed to provide growth if we choose to look at it in that way.

Okay, I'm sad that I slept through (my favorite Christmas show) Rudolf last night, and missed family time. Fortunately for me I have the video so we can watch it again over the next few days (or in July, which we sometimes do). Also fortunate for me, I have an understanding family that assured me I didn't miss much, and that, YES! Santa did pick up the misfit toys from the island. That part always makes me cry. Do you think it is because I can relate so well to being a misfit? Me too!

So, today is a new day, get out there and make the most of it. Appreciate not only what you have, but what you can do for others. When you are out there doing your last minute shopping, and some idiot steals the parking spot that clearly the entire world knew was yours, turn the other cheek and be thankful for the car that at least got you to the outer edge of the parking lot, which is better than having had to walk from home. Right?


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had such a down day but remember, as you do, one is better than ten. You will soon be back to your old self and I am sure your surgeon was proud of you, I am! (ORA)

Patty said...

Yes, yes, and yes. How is your little patient coming along. Give her my love along with the popsicle next time. Okay?