Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pillow fight.............................

Yup! The pups and I are facing off with the pillows again.

When we did the holiday decorations, the day after Thankgiving, I sat out the holiday pillows on the sofa. They are made from gold lame' to match the tree skirt, and have/had a big bow tied on them (like a present) that matches other bows in the room. They looked a little tired this year (three years is pretty old in pillow age), due in part from the dogs HAVING to lay on them.

A day or two after they were out I came into the room to see Ben wrestling with one of the pillows, tearing the bow off from it, having a blast. Here I have to remind you that Ben is a rescue dog, and the family he was born to apparently never taugh him to play. We have tried, from time to time, to get him to play with toys, but he rarely shows an interest. When he happen to think it great fun to play with my holiday pillow I was so pleased to see him playing that I didn't have the heart to yell at him and take the pillow away from him. Once he worked the bow off the pillow, he had a great time tussling on the floor with it.

Bottom line is I decided to make new pillows this year, and these were in place on the sofa yesterday. In place that is for all of about five seconds before Emma was re-arranging them to suit her cute little bottom so she might be more comfortable. I left the old pillows out, and have tried to explain to them that the new ones are for my enjoyment and the old ones are for them to use any way they like, but like many of us, they prefer the novelty of the new. It would seem that while the old ones did in a pinch they are no where near as comfy as the new ones. I guess I have trained my dogs to desire only the best mommy has to offer.

This training has given me a new goal of getting the pillows to stay in place just long enough for me to leave the room and return. So far I have not reached my goal, but I am working diligently towards it, replacing and fluffing each and every time I come back and find the pillows out of place (unless, of course, my youngest is around, then I yell at her to fix them as "it is her dogs that are messing them up" don't ya know?). It is a good thing they are so cute or I might just have to kick their little butts out in the snow to keep the pillows where they belong.

How lucky am I that this is all I have to complain about? Have a great day!

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