Sunday, December 10, 2006

I adore snowmen.........................

And have this really great snowman/snowwoman collection that makes me smile everytime I look at them. Yesterday, while cleaning the house, my youngest had an acident with my set of sports playing snowmen. Don't be alarmed, he only lost his football carrying hand (the snowman silly, not my youngest...youngest is a she remember?).

The exchange went something like this: (Youngest), Oh, Sssssssss! Me: You'd better not finish that statement. (Youngest)I didn't know there were any snowmen up there. (In her defense, the four of them were sitting in a window that is mostly covered by the big plants we have to bring in each winter.) (Me) Well now you do. (Youngest) Well, at least it is a clean break. (Mister) Ya! That is the hardest kind to repair. (I would not have thought that to be the case). (Youngest) Well, at least his nose was spared. (Can you tell she does not play football? All you football lovers out there are cringing at the thought that this snowman's playing days are behind him, and how he won't be able to make a good living, since his catching/throwing hand is damaged... Also, my youngest speaks from experience. Snowmen/women noses are usually pretty delicate, and are normally the first thing to go. When the collection is out, and I have my youngest clean, it is fairly normal for me to be washing off the counter and find a little orange something?. Upon investigation, it often turns out to be a snowman nose). (Mister, with a resigned sigh!) Put it up there and I will see what I can do to fix it. (Yes! He HAS done this type of damage control a time or two before.)

Anyway, since I talk about death and dying a lot, I thought it appropriate to post this picture on my blog. Did you know that statistically speaking, Snowmen/women expire more in late winter, early spring, then any other time of the year? Snowmen/women have families too!


Anonymous said...

From another snowmay collector, I know exactly what you mean and I am greiving for your football playing (or not playing now) snowman!! A tragedy. My snowmen were packed awaiting the move that has never happened and that box appears to be missing right now!! I am not happy and have yet to scour every nook and corner to find it!! (ORA)

Patty said...

The good thing about smownmen (besides their cuteness) is that you can leave them up until March. This being the case, you still have time to find the box and enjoy them for a few months.