Saturday, January 14, 2006

Well! It's official..... I eat when I,m bored....

Last night I needed to stay up all night (but that is another story).

One can only watch so much TV, and do so much knitting, and with the rest of the household sleeping, I found myself turning to my former best pal... FOOD. Interesting, that I can't buy into carrot sticks being exciting enough to overcome my boredom, though I do like a good carrot stick (as much as the next cronic dieter does... Ya! Right!). Nope, not me..... I went right for the Oreos, then followed them with an ice cream chaser. Major excitment for my taste buds.

It is clear to me that I was eating because I wanted to, not because I was hungry... That makes it okay right? I am not sure that I can go far as to say it is okay, but what it does say (to me) is that I am at least practising "mindful eating", and I am "owning" my food habits. As Dr. Phil likes to say, "one has to identiy and own the problem, before one can begin to fix it". There was a time (not that long ago), that while I didn't really "hide" everything I was eating, I was very good at hiding (from myself) ALL of what I was eating. You know, one bite here, a little nibble there..... it only counts if you take more than three bites/ it is between the hours of ____ and ____/ you're sitting at the dinner table/ your eating with someone else.... You know what I mean...... The first thing I had to face was there were many times I was putting food into my mouth without even being aware of it..... tasting while cooking/ grazing while putting away leftovers/sampling in the grocery store.... You're telling me this counts as eating???????

Anyway, in addition to trying to practice mindful eating, I am trying to pratice self love and forgivness rather than self incrimination, so rather than beat myself up for consuming calorie laden worthless (from a health perpective) junk food, I went to the libary and checked out some interesting books to combate the bordom that is sure to overtake me as the hours slowly pass tonight. I'll let you know if they helped.

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