Sunday, January 15, 2006

Well! I made it through the night without surrendering to my urge to eat junk food! Congratulations Patty.... Good job.

Who am I kiddin? The only reason I didn't give in, was because I knew I would have to confess my sins in this blog. There I go again..... Caring what a bunch of strangers think of me.

Why is it so much easier for us (me) to keep commitments (be accountable) to others than it is to ourselves? I would never dream of blowing off plans with a friend once I give my word, but there have been countless times I made a commitment to myself that I was going to work out, only to let something else (usually doing something for someone else) interfer with my commitment. I have to own this, because the people around me are (and always have been) very supportive of whatever goals I set for myself, be it fitness, business, or pleasure. Therefore, there has to be something inside of me that makes me choose not to carry out activities that I have decided are good for me (or else I haven't fully bought into the idea that they are good for me?). Could this be an absence of self-love/worth, or do I love myself sooooo much that I am unable to deny myself things that are more enjoyable to me than working out (like reading and napping)?

Regardless, I have to start somewhere towards changing, whatever works. If putting my word on the line in this blog helps me along towards this goal, then it is all good. I am a big believer in the placebo effect. Something/anything works if you believe it works. By the same token, lack of faith and belief can make any acomplishment more difficult to obtain.

For the rest of the day, I am choosing to believe in myself and my right to spend the time and effort on myself that it takes to get fit and healthy..... And I am going to start doing this right after I get dinner ready for the residents and my family!!!!!

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