Saturday, January 07, 2006

Background..... I am a 48 y/o female that has always wished for the magic "whatever" to change my body into something other than what it has been (except for a short time in 1985 when I stressed off a a bunch of weight going through a divorce. As my happiness returned, so did the weight)

2005 was a year of internal change for me. It began when I decided to log 1000 miles of running, which I completed in nine and one half months. Yah! For me. At the end of the year (October) I hired a personal trainer to teach me about weight lifting for this years goal of increasing my muscle strength. I told him about the stangest thing I experienced after Christmas dinner this year. The responce he gave me was an interesting one, and ever since I have been trying to figure out if I just didn't explain myself well enough, or if what I experienced was no big deal. So let me know what you think......

Christmas dinner has always been a big deal around our house. I make everyones favorite things, so consequently the table looks as if no one has eaten at the end of the meal. I love(ed)pecan pie, but I am the only one that does, so I only make it at Christmas time. Well, this year nothing on the table held much appeal for me. I am not sure why, but something has changed. As I told my trainer..... " Have you ever had a freindship that at one time was very important to you, but one day you looked at it, and the importance of the relationship was gone? Not that you had anything against the relationship, or even wanted to end it, but just that it had changed, and your focus had shifted to a new experience without you even realizing it"? This is the closest I can come to explaining how I felt after Christmas dinner. Pecan pie has lost its appeal! What my trainer told me was "You should not have a relationship with food.... food is an inanimate object". Of course he was right, and I knew/know that on a logical level, but that had not be my reality in the past. I think that this was a huge breakthrough in my quest to get into and stay fit, and I would like to hear other peoples thoughts on the subject of people's relationship to food.
Thanks in advance for your responces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many a times we eat , not to fill the hunger of the body but of the soul :-)