Monday, January 23, 2006

Did we (I) learn anything from yesterday's Blog?........

Could it be, that the name of my blog isn't totally truthful? It WAS at the time I wrote my first blog( I promise you I was), and if you (re-)read it, I know you will understand what I was going for with that name choice. Maybe it is an example of my thoughts creating my reality. Act/speak/think/ like you want to be, and before you know it, you will be.

Soooo, maybe my mouth is still into food. But! Just because I "Can" get pregnant, doesn't mean I am going to. As I fugured out ways around that (except for that one time, but that's another story), I CAN figure out ways of keeping my mouth under control. That is part of why I am writing this blog, and even mouth agrees that I am doing better than I was.

I think you will agree, that for the most part, I eat a pretty good/varied diet. I prefer eating whole/real food in it's simplest form. My blog entry was a bit low on protein, but I usually eat beans, peanut butter, or cheese (which is one love that I have been trying to limit because of the fat per ounce). I have also discovered protein powder that I stir into juice, and this helps me be sure and get enough protein) on most days.

Let's get to the real issues about my eating habits, of which there are two big ones; Eating without paying attention, and portion contol. In a way, they go hand and hand, because I tend to eat too much when I am not paying attention. If I take time to eat, I know I tend to eat less overall. So why don't I take time to eat you might ask? Now would be the time that I might begin to defend my habits, by saying "I am lucky to find any time to myself so when I do, I NEED to cram as much into it as I can." If I could choose to either eat OR read during the day, I would read, but we have already established that not eating during the day makes me eat too late at night, so this really isn't a healthy option is it? Maybe, I could try eating for two minutes, and reading for three etc....

BUT!.... This blog is NOT about excuses or justifying habits. Rather, it is about helping me to make the changes that I want to make. One of my favorite sayings is "Change represents growth, and Growth is ALWAYS good." Even if mouth fights brain, brain is ultimately in control, and I am confident brain will win the war.

Until that time, I will plug onward. I appreciate your help (by being here), and if you noted anything that I missed please share it with me. Let's see if we can teach this old dog some new healthy tricks. Thanks for being here!

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