Friday, March 14, 2008


That stands for Totally Boring Post, so don't say you weren't warned...

For some nutty reason I wanted to share my yesterday with all of you. Sort of a "typical day in the life of Patty."

I started the day with the normal two showers; one for me, one for a resident, made bacon and eggs for breakfast (I had coffee), and then threw together a new recipe for chops in the crock pot (which won rave reviews at the dinner table. Too bad I wasn't there to hear them. I love it when people appreciate my cooking).

Then I played around with the new kitty. I know Random will relate, but I can't seem to stop feeding him people food. JUST TO SEE IF HE'LL EAT IT! To date I have not found anything he doesn't gobble down, including popcorn and potato chips (it was only a tiny piece of each, not an entire bag). Most likely because there isn't much to eat outside this time of year and he is still catching up. And ya, we are calling him Fred now, and NO he is not staying. No one has claimed him yet, and I found out in our state if you feed and water an animal for seven days they become your property (doesn't that sound horrible?). If I don't hear anything by Sunday I am going to put an ad on Craig's list. He is a great cat, personable, pushy, and playful. Mmmmm, sounds like someone else I know... He even has the other two cats to the point where they can be in the same room with him for a few seconds before hissing. See, that "in your face approach" can too be affective in some situations!

But back to my day... I finished up the morning with the regular chores and began putting together an exercise program for our new resident. I haven't played therapist in a long time so it was fun to be reminded of my old job.

After lunch the nurse came. New resident has had type 1 diabetes since age 17 so I am getting a really good education on how to care for that. After more animal antics (no need to go to the zoo when you live here), it was off to my hairdresser with a resident to get her a perm (I have someone to come in and cut and curl hair, but she doesn't like to do in-house perms).

I have gone to the same hairdresser for twenty something years, and have followed her when she changed salons. She changed again, at the beginning of March, and her new place is NOT handicapped accessible. The owner informed me they didn't have to be since they are "grandfathered" in. Has she no idea that sometimes one does things because they are the right thing to do not because one has to? Anyway, (my) Super Mister built a ramp for me to place over the steps as it was the only way we were going to get the resident in the building. Since it is also difficult to get her into a pick-up truck, and the ramp was built out of plywood, we opted to make it steep so it would fit in the trunk of a car, and Wonder Woman (me) could move the thing.

I tell you, I felt like Wonder Woman after I got her in and out of the salon. She is not a small woman and at that angle I had to use all my strength to get her up/keep her from flying down the ramp. I guarantee that none of the woman standing around watching could have done it. Just call me Power Patty.

So while the perm solution was working it's magic, my hairdresser and I problem solved some positioning issues she has been having at the new hair station. Being the boss, I haven't engaged in a brainstorming session in some time, and I had forgotten how much I missed it.

As I mentioned, I needed my youngest,s car for the evening, so she took my truck to her evening college class. Apparently my truck did not like venturing downtown (he is VERY sensitive and old now so I treat him with kid gloves and lots of TLC), because my youngest called when her class was over to inform us that when she stepped on the gas peddle NOTHING HAPPENED. My poor baby (car, not her)! Due to the miracle of Triple-A, we got her (and him) hauled into our town to our mechanic's shop. When (my) Mister went to pick her up he thought the truck worked just fine (I tell you, he HATES big cities. Remember when I took him to Chicago?), but he left him just to get checked out.

I ended my day with desert, a fabulous Splenda sweetened cheese cake I had made earlier in the day. Normally I have been leaving everything sweet alone, but I wanted to try this. It was so creamy, melt on your tongue smooth, that I enjoyed every bit guilt free, and I can't imagine a more perfect ending to a perfect day. So excited to see what today holds!

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