Friday, March 21, 2008


Yup, Fred is still among us. And NO! I am not keeping him...

I will confess to mentally trying to hatch a plan in which another family member actually owns him so I get the fun of having him around without having to go back on my word about not keeping him, but that has not taken full-on form as of yet. I did hear through the grapevine that (my) Mister is questioning why Fred is still here "if we are getting rid of him," but he is often confused on many things that go on around here so knows sharing his questions with me won't clear things up any faster than letting time "tell all."

Have I ever told you that in one of my past lives I believe I was the young woman that the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" was modeled after? If I have one gain of sand (or any other fleck/speck of foreign body) underneath me I can't sleep? One wrinkle in the sheets (top or bottom) or the lines on the comforter are not lined up EXACTLY straight, I can't relax enough to fall asleep. And to have any pressure on top of the covers when I am under them can bring me out of the deepest of sleep. Makes for some interesting partner sleeping let me tell you.

And remember, I have the only bed in the house without a door to keep critters out.

Well, Fred has taken to climbing into MY bed sometime after his midnight snack! The first couple of nights I would kick him over on to someone Else's side and was able to get back to sleep, but slowly he has taken to curling up next to ME; first, against the back of my legs, this morning into the curve of my waist. ON TOP OF MY COVERS. (BTW, (my)Mister is getting VERY jealous of Fred, since he has tried the same kind of snuggling thing in the past with negative consequences and wonders why Fred gets to lead such a charmed life.)

After throwing him ( gently of course) in bed with my daughter I was up for the day, and we will just leave it with, "and it has been a very productive three and a half hours that might otherwise have been wasted on sleeping."

Know anyone that wants a cat?


The Girl Next Door said...

Aw! I would take him but that is a bit for for such a little kittie to travel! LOL

Honey, why don't you just fess up and accept it... you are enamoured with that cat and he is not going anywhere! You can rationalize it by the fact HE choose YOU and refused to leave! LOL He is way to cute, how could you even think of kicking him to the curb... giving him the 'ol boot... um... hum... I can't think of anymore that don't mean you knocked him off! ROTFL

Ok... Happy Easter girl. I hope the Easter Bunny brings you lots of chocolate to indulge upon!

Patty said...

The Easter bunny brought me something MUCH better than chocolate... 4 whole hours of alone time with (my) Mister! What's not to love about that?

Maria said...

I can't stand to have an animal in the bed with me, so I was very relieved that our puppy likes his bed in the upstair's hallway just fine.

He is a lovely little creature, by the way....

Patty said...

Wait Maria,

Wasn't you that was curling up with the pup on your leg just the other day? I don't mind having them around when I am watching TV in bed, just not for an entire night.

I will pass your compliment on to Fred, though self-esteem does not seem to be a problem for him. He is very self assured for a stray.