Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Daze.........................

Yes, I know that it is St. Patrick's Day (also MY "name-saint," so happy Saint's Day to me!), but this is a post about Easter eggs.

We dyed Easter eggs over the weekend, and had a blast. I even conned (my) Mister into coloring a couple for me by showing him the special one I made "just for him." As we were putting the finishing touches on them I ask my youngest if she would like me to hide some for her to hunt for. So what if she is going to be nineteen in a couple of weeks. Though most of us act like it, there really is no law that we must always act some perceived age. Really! She lit up at the thought of an egg hunt so a plan was hatched (pun intended).

I hid a dozen eggs in the morning, and we all felt like kids again watching as my youngest hunted them down. After she would pass right by one without detecting it I would whisper it's location to the OPs and they would giggle as she overlooked it again, and again. ADHD to the third degree...

And just like I ALWAYS burn the last batch of cookies when I bake, I ALWAYS forget where I hid (at least) one egg so I got to get in on the hunt at the end. Ya! I am all about the fun...

My recommendation for today is to make a list of at least five things that you LOVE doing and pledge to do at least three of them before the end of the week. Oh!... And remember to wear green today, unless, and of course, you LIKE getting pinched...


Nancy said...

The OP's must love you. You are a blessing to them, I'm sure. We colored eggs too. What fun.

Patty said...

More acurately, the OPs love me when they aren't busy thinking what a total nut job I am.

The Girl Next Door said...

This post is just infectious! I loved it, it made me smile!

I realized today that we have not colored eggs yet!!!!!! I plan on getting some on Wednesday while Baby J is with her Papa and also all her Easter Treats! ;) I love Easter, last year Baby J was JUST big enough so this year it should be even more loads of fun! YEAH!!!!!

Patty said...

Hi T-girl,

You sound good!

I am skating re: the Easter goodies this year... DSW is having double points week so I gave my youngest $20 bucks and told her to have fun. Bonus... Since we wear the same size, the Easter Bunny will be bringing me new shoes this year!