Friday, October 06, 2006

You are headed in the right direction. Trust your instincts.............

That was what my fortune read, last Sunday, when we got Chinese take-out. Here it is almost a week later, and I still have it. That is because I want to believe the sentiment is true. Don't we all want to think where we are heading is the right direction? But how can we be sure until we actually arrive at our destination?

I think this is where the instinct part comes in. The more time we can devote to getting to know ourselves, and practice listening to our inner voice, the more we will be able to discern whether or not we are on the right path. My insticts communicates with me a lot through my gut. Have you ever said or done something, and then a few minutes later notice that your stomach is "talking" to you? That usually means that something needs to be changed up a bit. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if after doing or saying something I get a feeling of total calm and well being, I know that it was a good thing to have said or done.

To totally change the subject.................

When my kids were little and their birthdays were approaching, I would always tell them they needed to hurry up and do anything they wanted to at their present age, as they would never be able to do whatever as a whatever year old again. Well...

Tomorrow is my birthday (number forty-nine) so today is devoted to doing all those things I ever wanted to do as a forty-eight year old. When I sign off, I will be able to cross off one more blog as a forty-eight year old. I have already told two of the four people in my inner family circle that I love them (but may be able to fit this in a couple more times today), and I have a work-out planned for later today. That pretty much takes care of my list. My needs are simple, and I am actually looking forward to moving closer towards fifty. This coming year has the promise of getting out of debt, reaching my training goals, and being ready for next year's marathon goal. It also has the promise of continuing loving relationships, as well as personal growth and development. Who knows... This could be my best year ever! Get excited for me. Anyone out there share my birthday with me besides Andy? Happy birthday to you Andy, and anyone else that the sentiment applies to.


Jenna said...

HAPPY BELATED! I tried to get on here before midnight but my company just left (Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend) I'm sorry I didn't get your birthday wish in on your actual birthday- the best is yet to come- Hope you had a wonderful day!

Patty said...

A wish is a wish, and I happily accept yours. My day was nice, and I will fill you in on my next post.

Do a post for us non-Canadians and tell me what your Thanksgiving is about.