Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Finish Strong...............

Yesterday was a tough one, but I am much better today. Just when I have convinced myself that the stone must have passed, the pain begins again. I seem to have the nausea under control today, so that in itself is a huge improvement.

Still a little fuzzy, I thought I would post someone else's words instead of my own pros. I found this cleaning out my purse looking for something else that I didn't find. It is from my trail race (which was last June. That is how messy my purse was...) Since using it for race motivation, I have refered to it for other challenges, big and small. Hopefully you will find it as usefull as I do.


When the challenges become more difficult, that's your opportunity to become more determined. When the end of the race, the winner is the person who picks up the pace.

It's easy and common to start out strong. Real achievement comes to those who can also finish strong.

The doubts and challenges along the way can either drain your enthusiasm and commitment, or they can prompt you to grow stronger. When you choose to grow stronger, not only do you reach the goal, you also become more confident and effective in the process.

When you've gone this far, it pays to make the most of what you've already been through. Get maximum value from your efforts by finishing strong.

When the endeavor is nearing completion is when you can add the most discemible and enduring value. Finish strong and mike it something you can always look back upon with satisfaction.

Your efforts so far have created a powerful momentum, so continue to make the most of it. Finish strong and you'll be fully prepared for whatever is next.

- Ralph Marston


Anonymous said...

Such beautiful words. I am going to send it someone I know who is going through a very rough patch in their lives

Patty said...

I hope it helps. I will remember this person in my prayers.

Has to be me said...

Beautiful, motivating words. Thanx fr sharing & I hope u r feeling better by now. Prayed 4 ur well being.

Patty said...

Thank you. I have kept food down for over twenty-four hours now, so I am sure I am on the mend.