Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dear Anonymous, AKA - mkc...................

Got your blog comments... Welcome! Was too lazy to go back and find exactly which post they were attached to, but I think I remember (at least two of them).

Glad you "stumbled" onto my blog. Hope you didn't scrape you knee in the process.

"words are often like seeds, they remain under the ground for some time and then fruit ..." I like that line from your comments. It is so true, and I wanted to be sure the rest of my readers saw it, so there you go folks.

As to your sugar addiction... I received my raw foods E-newsletter a last week, and they were talking about that very topic. A book was recommended titled Sugar Blues, By: William Dufty. On the front it says, "Exposing sugar, the killer in your diet - offering you a life-saving, sugar-free way to health. It is an old book, published in 1975, and I picked it up from Amazon Used Books for under three dollars. I have only read the first fifty pages or so, but it is very interesting so far. It talks about the whole history of sugar, all of the times it created wars, all the slaves it took to harvest, YUCK! I am guessing that eventually he speaks to the addictive nature of sugar and offers his solutions. I will keep you all informed if I find anything that works to help me get rid of it from my diet. After reading Fast Food Nation, I didn't eat at McDonalds For close to a year. (Never mind that I normally only ate there at the most two or three times a year in the first place.) Hang in there, WE CAN conquer sugar... One day at a time.

Wow! My comments to your comments is turning into a whole post. I will wrap things up by saying again, "Welcome! and thanks for the comments."


Anonymous said...

very pleasant surprise,thanks for the welcome post.I'm reading through your blog in chronological order and the comments follow accordingly.
take care,

Patty said...

Wow! I am honored and impressed that you would take so much time to get to know me and read my writing. Who could ask for anything more? Enjoy!