Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My new love.........................

This is a mandoline, and it is for slicing fruits and veggies in various thicknesses and sizes. I have wanted one for some time, and have been selling my old kitchen items that I no longer use (like my deep fryer and pasta maker) to earn the money to buy new things to make my raw food prep easier. I found this in one of the many kitchen stores I went into at the outlet mall last weekend.

This little fellow is fabulous, a true wonder. I diced all the veggies in my fridge (I need to go shopping so there were not that many, but it was still fast), in about ten minutes to make a yummy healthy lunch. Since it was still morning, I tossed them with a little bit of ranch dressing and threw it in the fridge. My youngest came home before I ate it and I told her she could have some if she wanted. She brought back an empty bowl, which totally supports my theory:

If you want to get your kids to eat more fruits and veggies prepare them AND tell them they are for YOU (the second part of the theory is the important part). Don't we all covet what the other guy has?

I has some radishes and baby carrots left that my youngest sliced last night so she could try out our new toy, and I have been munching on them for breakfast as I type this post. Maybe not your typical breakfast, but I enjoyed it, and that is the important part. Right?


Random Musings said...

I just bought one too... It was a Christmas gift I picked out for myself.. It just makes it easier.. Does yours have the little thing that catches the slices?

Daniele said...

I've been wondering about those types of tools. I'm afraid that I would use it once or twice and then it would just be laying in the cupboard. But it does sound like a very useful machine.

Patty said...

No Random, my slices just fall below.

You already know that I have been selling the stuff that has been just laying around for years Dee. My suggestion would be for a month or two sorta keep track of how many fruits/vegs you slice by hand to determine if this would be worthwhile to add to your kitchen. My thought is by speeding up the preparation process, I will actually eat the produce I buy, instead of being lazy and then throwing it all out every couple of weeks and buying more. The money I save/don't waste will pay for the gadget (it was under $50) in a month or so.

Daniele said...

ah - clever. I shall think about that!

Nancy said...

I have one of those and they work like a dream. However, always be a good girl and use that food guard thingy. I have gotten cocky and used it without, it was not a good thing at all. In fact I've sliced the tip of my finger several times, it's extremely sharp. Just make sure you have checked all finger placements before you dive right in. :P

Patty said...

I have had enough kitchen accidents that I have already heeded your warning. When I was watching the instructor at the raw food class I took use hers without the gaurd I had to look away as I couldn't stop the picture of the finger being sliced right along with the veggie she was slicing.