Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thoughts of loving kindness needed, please.............................

I rarely have to pump my own gas, as this is one of the (many) ways (my) Mister spoils me. For whatever reason, this was not the case one night last week.

I pulled into the gas station, my mind on the errand I needed to get done, and got out to fill the tank. Instantaneously I was bombarded with overwhelming feelings of sadness, panic, and anxiety. I felt physically sick to my stomach and I started to tear up. Wow! The guy pumping gas next to me was giving me a funny look so I explained to him that I was picking up feelings of people that had been to the station earlier and were freaking out about the current prices.

Believe it or not, he didn't think that was strange at all and we started chatting about the struggles many people would be having with the sudden increase in fuel prices, as well as the trickle down effect to the prices of everything else.

When I do body work on people I tend to pick up their feelings if I forget to put a circle of protection around myself before I begin to work on them. The feelings I were having were of this same nature, and I truly believe what I was feeling was left-over from previous customers.

We all know the current gas prices are insane. Do I like paying that much for a gallon of gas? Of course not. I am counting my blessings that we are able to make the necessary budget adjustments and are not in danger of having to chose between eating and filling up the tank.

I also know that this is not true for many people. People that were already struggling to make ends meet before the price increases, have got to be desperate now. They need your help!

Not to point fingers, to think they should have made different choices so they had greater incomes. Not to pass judgement of any kind.

Help them by holding them up in positive thought, and send loving kindness to them. It is the greatest gift one can give to another.

If you happen to be one of those in need of these things, I hope you can feel the love reaching out to you. We are all one, and all connected. We are in this together, and together we can accomplish any and all things!


T-girl said...

Wow, was I there before you? I haven't gotten gas in weeks thanks to the prices and I am staying VERY close to home to make that last few drops I have left last! LOL It seriously is terriable right now. Honestly thought I am not going to complain too terriably much we are almost caught up to Europe but not there yet so I am ok until then!

Honestly, did you look at that site I told you about? I hate when that happens to me, it always feels like such a wall slamming into me and it seems to happen when I am not prepared and knocks me off balanace. Big J just looks at me like I am wacko, he doesn't "get it" but since his Mom is also sensitive he doesn't judge it... although when I tell him it is too dangerous to do something for whatever reason he does get PO'd! LMAO

Patty said...

I have a vauge memory, but would you send the site again? Thanks. One of these days I am going to organize all of my favorites and then I will be able to find things more than once.

Daniele said...

Welcome to our world. I live in the UK and have lived in other European Countries. Over the past 10 years or more people in Europe have become very sensitive to fuel economy and sophisticated about engine options and what's available. You read up about fuel consumption and cost over the life of a vehicle before you buy it, people try to live closer to their jobs, use more public transport, buy more diesel cars .. it's a huge issue here, and not a fun one.
Unleaded fuel curently costs about 8.40 USD per gallon.
My heart goes out to all of those who struggle and find it difficult to cope with this. It's not easy, I know.

Patty said...

In my opinion, Europe has jumped ahead of the U.S. in a lot of areas when it comes to searching for answers for the masses (mostly refering to the health care area), and ways to conserve instead of having an attitude of there being a never ending supply.

I will be the first to say I don't have any good answers, but then I am not in public office so who would listen to me anyway? The first step is in recognizing that there is a problem, and how can one do that during an election year and expect to get re-elected?

Daniele said...

That's probably true (Europe jumping ahead) but not in all areas. And not all European countries are doing the same, the laws and regulations can vary dramatically.
Take recycling for example. Germany, Luxembourg, France.. way ahead of the game. In the UK people are just getting started! It's sad.

Patty said...

Yup! There is no such thing as a free lunch or a perfect world...Only in our minds and hearts...As we grow in love, hopefully there will be someday.