Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The birds and the bees........................
A mama Robin had made a nest over the light on our garage and I finally saw the babies today, then my youngest and I were chatting about how her day at school went and a couple of bees flew into the room intent on "coupling," and I couldn't resist documenting the event.
Enough said!


Jenna said...

Hey you! I'm back among the living and came here and saw your pics- stay tuned to my blog over the next day or so- I too had a robin's nest encounter- I'll post my pics - it's so funny because they look just like yours! Hope you are well!

Patty said...


You were (and always will be) among the living as long as I am around...You live in my heart dear child! Glad you are writing again as well.

I bet your little ones love the baby birds. Maybe "our" birds are related if they look the same? Probably third cousins, once removed or something like that.

Daniele said...

How cute! I have just started to feed birds in my garden, expecting delivery of lots of food today by the postman! I will put up some pictures when I get a chance and when I have regular feathered visitors in my garden. At the moment it's just (quite cute) squirrels trying to get to the nuts in my old feeder. Quite successfully too.

Patty said...

Hi Dee,

Squirrels...Now there is a mortal enemy of bird feeders around the world. They love the expensive bird food much better than the corn put out to appease them and keep them out of the bird food.

You ordered your food through the mail? What lucky birds you have, mine only get store (generic) brand.

Daniele said...

Ok here's the whole story ;) A few months ago, I decided I am going to feed the birds in my garden, after seeing the same at a friend's place. So I got birdfood from my local grocery store, and a bird feeder from another place. It took the naughty squirrels a few weeks to bite their way in, and they now happily help themselves to the (very expensive) birdfood and nuts. So this week I decided to get squirrelproof feeders (oh yes!) and larger packages of birdfood from http://www.noahsarkgardens.co.uk/, as the small packages from my grocery store last about a week and are costing me a fortune. Delivery should happen today. I shall set up everything when I get back from my holiday on June 2nd and then let the fun begin :)

Patty said...

I have bought into those "squirrel proof" feeders in the past. If yours really work be sure and let me know because the ones I got didn't. The squirrels just took to dangling on the very tips of the nearby pine tree branches to get at the food.

Daniele said...

I bought this one


I just got the delivery. It looks very strong and sturdy, and the squirrel will hopefully not fit into those little holes, but the (smaller) birds will. Will put everything up on the blog in a couple of weeks, including results :)