Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wrapped up in my own little world, look what I almost missed......................

I was making my way through the kitchen last evening when I heard the news reporter say a familiar name, the name of the father of my oldest's high school friend. Wanting to make sure it was really _____, I peeked at the TV, and sure enough it was him standing in front of his house. His house, that is a mere one block over from our house.

Seems that on Friday, they had found his next door neighbors dead in their bed, and at current time are calling this a murder-suicide. As I was typing this, a memory of having heard sirens the other day popped into my head. I had done then what I always do when I hear a siren, say a short prayer and go back to whatever I was doing before, thinking nothing more of it.

Of course this has been the talk of the town since the bodies were discovered, since NOTHING like that happens around here. I even get why people have to talk about it, both the sensationalism factor, and the fact that people process info by talking about it (job security for the counseling world). Still, when I hear the statement, " It is all everyone is talking about," IT DRIVES ME BONKERS! It makes me feel compassion for the victim of the gossip (no matter what the offense), and makes me shudder to imagine myself in the spotlight. I think lots of people will take any opportunity to have fifteen minutes of fame/attention and use whatever they can find to get it.

Am I talking about the guy I first mentioned? Of course not. He lived next door and it makes perfect sense that the news crews would want to interview him since there really isn't a lot publicly known about the couple. Allow me to go off course and give you a personal example of why this kind of talk bothers me...

Once upon a time, there was a person in my life that I took under my wing, yada, yada, blah, blah, she did some really hateful/ potentially professionally damaging things to me, etc...Hadn't spoken to her in at least five years, then one day the phone rings and it is her acting like we chat all the time and this phone call was just another of those daily chats. As I am still wondering how she tracked me down, she cheerfully asks me if I had heard the news yet. Without waiting for me to respond, she goes to tell me that a mutual acquaintance (from that time period) who left my life at the same time this person did (because of what the first person did) had gotten divorced a couple of years prior and that her ex had just committed suicide. Paying no attention what so ever to my stunned silence, she went on to fill me in on the couple's marital problems, her speculation as to why the guy did it, how the guy did it, and a bunch more personal stuff that the gal had shared with her. As soon as she paused for a breath, I told her thanks for letting me know and got off the phone.

Forget the blast from an unpleasant past. Am I the only one that doesn't want to know every personal detail of another's marriage? My heart could break for this poor woman and her children WITHOUT knowing all the sorrid details. I learned long ago that none of us are perfect, and all of us have things that are potentially embarrassing, definitely personal, that we would rather not have pass through the gossip mill.

Don't get me wrong, I am not goodie-two-shoes when it comes to gossip, and have been known to pass a juicy tidbit along now and again. Shame on me. I am talking to me along with everyone else when I say it is important to listen to what we are allowing to come out of our mouths, and maybe even examine not only why the words are coming out, but the value of the words being spoken. Hopefully, at least most of the time, those word will be spoken out of a genuine concern and love for the topic, and not to feed some sad sickness within.

I know I have way too many things within myself that need working on to waste time passing judgement and/or speculating on the life and actions of another. How about you?


T-girl said...

I love to gossip! LMAO On that note, I do tend to try and keep my gossip to certian people, people of the utmost trust. Don't get me wrong, if it is me or a situation of certian extents I have no prob telling MY opinion on to something but I am very cautious at how I do it... unless I really don't care and then I am very blunt! LOL For the most part I try not to say damaging info, I am not always successful but I try very hard not to talk... I love to listin though, I am nosey by nature! LOL

The only example of me I can think of is a friend who is the worlds biggest gossip (she is not intentionally malicious btw- she just... how do I explain her? LOL She enjoys talking and most of the time it is done under the disguise of venting or prayer request- which I think is even more wrong but whatever! LOL) Most of the time I just go "uh- huh so what happened the other day with that project you were doing?" LOL So anyways, we have a fairly new neighbor (crack whore) and her MIL lives two houses down, her hubby is in jail for spousal abuse... but was just released and lives with his mother but has a restraining order on him by the wife... just a cluster and our house is in the middle, great huh? Anyways, this mans mother seriously is a REALLY nice woman. She has five children, he is her "rotten apple" so to speak. Now my friend is freinds with this mans Mom, and one day she is telling me how it is the crackwhores fault that he is in jail. I started laughing, she was telling me how the mother was saying she causes the problems etc, etc. Now, I liked to hear the info, I can't deny it because personally I wish crackwhore and her heathens would up and move away but that is neither here nor there. I listened to her until I finally couldn't take more and stopped her and was like "girl, she could have called him back antagonised him etc and that is still no reason for him to have felony arrests for the event" Enough said... oh no it wasn't! LOL Now she is the hubby's secratery so I assumed she would understand what that means, plus she did the damn paperwork for his release info but she still went on about her and I finally just got blunt, "Girl! He is a peice of shit! I love V but he is crap! His wife is also a POS but no matter, that is NO reason for him to beat his wife and children to the point that he is put in jail for a mandatory 8 years! In this state that means he brandished a weapon of some sort with his children as witnesses! What you are telling me is she would kick him out then ask him back, whatever, but he is still responsible for his actions and his actions were to beat them all repeatedly. He has a rap sheet a mile long for this behavior, that is not V's fault she did her best but he is a peice of crap and I pray that he doesn't take her and 'Bob' for all their worth before this is done!"

So anyways, I try to stay out of gossip as much as possible. I love to gossip though so I only do so with certian people. For example if someone tells me something and I feel like I just "have" to get it out I tell my hubby or my Mom! Mom has no clue who someone is, and the hubby is completely trustworthy! Otherwise I just stay quiet, unless I just can't anymore, and change the subject when I can. Now if I had been in your situation with the friend I think I would have been like, "uh, why are you calling me?" I would be really rude to her about it because what she did was completely malicious in intent and I would have made her feel about "ttthhhhissss" big for it! LMAO That is me though, I am not very nice when someone does something I think is complete bs!

Patty said...

First T-girl,

From some of the above information, I think you could start a whole new blog entitled, "Life on my street" or something to that effect. And I thought it was bad living down the road from dog hater!

Like with everythging in life each of us has to be okay with out choices at the end of the day. Maybe it is a form of gossip when you "have to get something out" so tell mom or spouse, but when I am in the role of mom or spouse, listening to a confidence I usually don't hear it as gossip, but rather as processeing and if it does have a ring of gossip (to my ears) then it becomes a teachable moment for the kid, and a question for the spouse.

Loved your comment about the lady that "gossips under the disguise of a prayer request." I am sure that she does not even realize how it is coming accross to you, but makes my point nicely that we all need to check ourselves from time to time and make sure we are not presenting in a way different than our intent.

Thanks for the lively discussion.