Sunday, March 25, 2007

Done with Drama?..................

This post has been walking around with me for some time now, and at this point in time has no ending. In that case, let's proceed with the beginning.

We have all heard the term, "Queen of Drama." Not only have I heard it, I WAS IT for many a year. Over the years, it has played out in a continuing variety of chaos, and looking back, if there wasn't one on the horizon I could very easily take a small little something and whip it into instant chaos. I think one of the reasons I did this was because of my childhood, chaos being my my "norm," and I felt unsettled if this feeling wasn't pervading my senses.

Definitely through my twenties, and at for least the greater part of my thirties, I choose to make a big deal out of so many things that were just NOT a big deal. I think in my forties I finally began to get a handle on this, and had a few successes at just letting things go without getting all worked up about them. Do you any idea how much easier this is than living in continuous chaos? Only if you used to do this and have also gotten past it can you truly understand. If not, then I bet you are scratching your head right now saying, "DUH! What took you so long to figure that out?" Lucky you to not get where I am coming from!

Now this next part might sound TOTALLY judgemental, but please know this is not my intent at all. Over the past several weeks, I have been observing people, watching the choices they make, the knots they tie themselves up in, how they run themselves ragged, and what comes to mind is, 'There but for the change go I." Their behaviors USED TO BE ME! Unable to ask for help at work, thinking it would make me look like a slacker. Feeling superior somehow because no matter how much I was juggling, I would always, willingly, throw one more plate in the air and THEN figure out how to keep all of them up there. And for the record, it was rare that they all came tumbling down, I was a master at this dysfunction. An exhausted master, but a master non the less!

Anyway, to get back to my observations... What I have noticed on a couple of occasions, is that the more these people take on out of a feeling of "I have to, I need to, who else is going to if I don't," resenting it all the way, the more the universe seems to dump on them. Interesting isn't it? I KNOW this used to be the same with me and I never noticed. I guess I was too wrapped up in the moment/drama/chaos/self-importance to take a time out and see a different way of handling things. Unfortunately, we all have to figure this one out for ourselves, but I am pretty sure it has a lot to do with self-love, and being willing to love ourselves enough to put ourselves first once in a while before we find out that doing so not only DOES NOT bring the world to a grinding halt, but actually makes it a better place for everyone to hang out in. A big catch 22 that is hard to break through I know.

So yesterday, I got into an elevator on the sixth floor to go down to the first floor lobby (and did not do the stairs as I was wearing heels and practicing self-love rather than worrying about saving energy, so shoot me!). I picked up a rider at floor five, and after he got in I made the comment, " wonder how many other riders we will pick up on our way down," (Yes! These things just come out of my mouth!). The guy's reply, "Ya! That always seems to be the way it is when you are in a hurry." (Did I present the picture of hurry lounging there on the elevator wall? I thought I was presenting a picture of "WOW!" with my heels and mock-crock leather jacket. I guess this proves one sees what they want to see.) Mouth opens again and this time out comes, "I am finally learning that there really is nothing to rush to, the important stuff will wait, and life will move along just fine without me. It is more important to just enjoy the ride." That little heart-felt speech took us all the way to the lobby, and as we exited the guy says, "WOW! How did you come to learn that, that's great." then hurried away into the men's bathroom before I had a chance to respond (I agree, rushing to the bathroom is the exception to the rule here, and now that I am thinking of it it might just explain his above comment about being in a hurry... I knew I presented "relaxed WOW!")

For me, the point of that conversation is that those words came not only from my heart, but from my head. I really am starting to get that life is and always will be life with and without me. My participation in it is MY gift, and I should make it a point to enjoy the gift of each and every moment instead of trying to micro control the here-and-now so I can relax and enjoy some distant time in the future. I heard this the other day, and it totally explains what I am trying to say... "You never wake up and say Hey it's tomorrow now do you?... You don't even say, it's ten minutes from now... It's always now, only now." This doesn't mean that we don't plan on and for future things like next months house payment, but that we keep things in perspective and enjoy the journey as it is really all we get.

In learning to do this, I have stopped worrying so much. If there is no way I can effect something in the moment, why worry about it? It has also helped me to allow the people around me the right to spend their moments exactly the way they choose to. If they want to spend their nows in worry or chaos, that really is okay with me, I can choose to join in or choose to opt out. How cool is that notion? Choosing not to participate in drama does NOT mean I don't care, that I don't love the person. It is just the opposite. Allowing someone the right to be who they are right at the moment is not only loving but honoring of them. To allow yourself not to be drawn into a place that doesn't feel right for your moment is honoring and loving yourself. The best of both worlds... Try it, and see how it fits into your now.




I enjoyed my visit to your blog

Patty said...

Welcome Harekrishniji,

Unfortunately, I couldn't read your post when I went to your site. Hope you won't hold that against me and will visit with me often.

T-girl said...

OMG! That is funny actually, he rushed to the bath! It is so funny you posted this, I was just telling someone this EXACT theory the other day. NORMALLY I am pretty good at avoiding it, the hubby though, not so much. Most of our drama comes from him... swear, honestly it does. He for the most part is pretty calm then something will come along (his suit, which he threw in a pile under his shoes in the bottom of his closet is not dry cleaned for court.... of which he can wear his uniform but he chooses not to... occasionally) the next thing you know he is stomping, yelling and slamming doors. He will be locked in the computer room "until he calms down" and doesn't want to beat us all into submission BUT we don't get there until he has had what I like to call his tantrum. They happen every 6 weeks or so (which if you know about male hormon cycles... ;) ) generally but can happen other times as well. To give him MUCH credit this has improved this area GREATLY (use to be a daily thing over very small things) BUT they still happen. If you know about his childhood and psychology you would go "ahhh I understand!" I finally got him to lisin to this theory the other night when I had to do something just as drama drastic to peirce through his caous to get his attention over...hell I can't even remember but it caused a HUGE thing... oh yes it was the TV remote batteries were not working and he decided to tell me how to make them work and would not listin that they were DEAD! Agian this happens occasionally and while most of it has no baring what-so-ever on ANYTHING it is annoying and finally I had enough. So when I finally got him to sit down and listin I brought up this theory, of which I have broke a majority of the time in life- except around him because it is really hard to get caught up in their cycle. Anyways, this last time I decided not to play his game and changed the rules and he was NOT happy, very confussed and finally calm. It really annoys me I had to do what I did BUT it got results. I still haven't completely unpacked the house (ROTFL... STILL can not believe I did it all so calmly either, no joke I was VERY calm while I did it and he was all kinds of befuddled, he would say something and I would go "ok" calm calm calm. He would say something else: calm, calm, calm. The thing was I honestly FELT calm, sad but calm. Fianlly he was calm back and I learned that THIS is how I am going to deal with him from now on and HE learned THIS is how I am going to deal with it. Oh I forgot the reason I pack was because he told me I HAD to deal with it, it was MY JOB as his wife to deal with it. So I said, "ok if that is what you think" BUT that is not so and showed him the alternative. NOT my most bestest mature moment BUT it worked. When someone is in that mode sometimes you have to sink to get the attention so you can all come back up to the surface, I think of it as trying to help someone drowning and they try to fight you, if you start to swim away they will calm. Anyways it was a calculated educated guess and it worked, not sure WHY I just vomited it all over your blog! LMAO

So as a survivor of it, I get it. I think someone told me this theory really early on and so I choose to work it out sooner then most people. I am not always perfect, witness last week- still not sure WHY I was in THAT cycle there are a number of factors but at least it was just me and babykins (who will forget thank GOD! LMAO) to witness it! Honestly I can't remember the last time I was like that besides hs and pregnancy! ROTFL I hate caous, I will take calm, cool and collected ANY DAY! ;)

Hugs- T

Patty said...

Had you ask me, I would have said I hated chaos too, but that didn't stop me from creating and/or participating in it.

I have to say, I hope it was HIS stuff you were packing instead of your own.

I think lots of us get in a habit or condition ourselves to behave in a certain way when a certain thing happens. That is why our loved ones can push our buttons so easily, and why they freak out when we don't follow the expected patten. Some interesting food for thought. Thanks a bunch T-girl!

T-girl said...

No, mine and the babies. See, this fit into my plan of "I don't have to STAY and take this!" LMAO It was silly but it got his focus back to the big picture.

Chaos is addictive, no doubt about it. No one likes it BUT it is like a drug. You get use to the adrenaline etc of it and there you go. Also many times people create it when they come out of chaotic backgrounds because they don't feel worthy... so they create their own worse fears subncontiously. I am very aware of it, although I occasionally fall into it but it is better. There are many things in life though that I have to watch myself with. For me I generally notice it starting to creep up more and more in my life when I start to get comfy... that is scary considering my background. Honestly I think this is part of the hubbies problem also. His parents in some ways make mine look like saints- least mine tried to protect me from eachother (not appropriatly but I do think they did what they thought was right at the time) his parents used the kids as a weapon, one submitted when they were 'dealt" with yet, defended them to their face and the other well was rather harsh. Not only that, his family has a TERRIABLE view of men, they really are VERY negative towards them so I don't think this helps either... nor did some of my past actions where I was acting out the learned behavior of my mother instead of my own feelings. All-in-all, I am partly to blame but we BOTH are talking and working on our marriage, more then we have at any other time in it so that is what is important. The other day, I was not planning on leaving- althought it was not a threat as I don't believe in doing something you have no intention of following through with- just trying to grab his attention or shift his focus on to stopping the cycle from where it was at. Once he realised I was packed and at the door, he was able to stop himself from going on and on and work on the issue at hand. I was NOT trying to get any reaction from him but for him to calm down. It was a very calm calculated choice I made knowing my husband the way I do. I want to make that very clear as I know many times people play this game to get his attention. My intention was not to get his attention persee but to get him to focus in on the bigger picture, this is where we are heading if he doesn't get a hold of himself. He is doing better since our daughter is born and I expect he will continue to do so, it will just take time. I also have many things to grow with, in some ways I was very young when we got married even though I was "older" for a young married girl! LOL

I figure life is a journey that has no desintation. You can enjoy the sites along the way and help fix the bus when it breaks down, or you can yell at the driver the whole time to speed up and "why didn't you do the maintence more thorough." Either way you are still going to end up at the same dirt plot on the outskirts of some town. One way will just be much more pleasant! ;)

Patty said...

I was with you all the way T-girl, until you got to the second to the last sentence. The rest of your comment expresses the very fact that we can always get out on the side of the road, take a different path, and/or find different transportation instead of staying on the bus to the end of the line. Metaphorically speaking, this is what you and your husband are doing, finding different transportion than your parents did, and thus having a different journey.

ABSOLUTELY LOVE the line about choosing to either yell at the bus driver or pitch in and help change the flat tire. That really says it all doesn't it?