Friday, June 15, 2007


I am happy to say I have the scrubs finished for mt youngest. I have not sewn anything in some time, and I forgot how much I enjoy sewing. It has also given me the urge to knit again. Maybe I will pick up the sock that I haven't touched since January and give it a whirl. Of course I will have to learn the pattern all over again so probably not a good idea to pick it up until I have some real time to focus on it. Anyway, the scrubs turned out really well. My favorite top has "veggie tales" printed on it. There is a skinny little asparagus that is wearing red pearls! And the little eggplants...Sooo adorable!

There was also had another dog park meeting Wednesday past. I put a small ad in the local paper and put the same ad (letting people know about the meeting time) and three new people turned up in support of it (Let's see... At $32.00 for the ad, divided by 3...that's just over 10 bucks a person...Mmmmm). One of the three that showed up is going to be priceless to the cause as she is very involved in the city as a business owner and also with all the business organizations. Her dreams and ideas are much loftier than mine. Right smack in the middle of town where the library used to be (and the building is falling down) adjoining the current city hall (they are soon relocating) is where she thinks the park should be built, and she thinks the city should (and will) maintain the park (Quote; "If they can pay city workers to water the flowers around town that are on private property, then they can pay the workers to clean up the poop"). I am all for this idea, and it is a lesson in the need to dream big. After all, it is much easier to take less of what is offered than it is to ask for more once you have settled for less.

Our next task is to circulate a petition and get signatures of people that are in favor and supportive of a dog park, and then present to City Council at their next meeting. As it happens there is going to be lots of dog activity in the city over the next weeks with the annual city festival hosts a dog contest (I think I am going to enter Ben and Emma in the talent show and let them sing their rendition of How much is that doggy in the window) and the next "First Friday" is entitled "The Dog Days of Summer." They are to have lots of dog professionals (including a pet psychic...I can't wait!) so there should be lots of people with dogs that I can ask to sign the petition. This thing just might work out! Wouldn't that be something?


Anonymous said...

As someone who used to work for the City you live in, I am very grateful for not working there anymore as I know just who they would select to do poop patrol! Here's a hint... the same person they made paint every single fire hydrant in town by hand. LOL! Seriously though, I think it is a good idea to have the City maintain it.

Patty said...

When I started reading this I thought you were going to say "the same person they made load up a lawn mower into a boat, row to the island, and mow it." I had forgotten about the hydrants. Now they sell them to people and let them paint them for advertising. Drives your sister batty! Wouldn't it be cool if the dogs took over city hall, since some people (not us of course) think that city hall has already gone that way???