Wednesday, June 27, 2007

New birth is happening all around us...........................

The latest addition to the family, baby Robin number four!

One of our fish is a proud mommy of three! It is hard to see, but that little brownish speck above the U of the coral, over to the right, underneath the black filter box is one of the little ones.
Little Franny's rendition of "Five more minutes Grammy."
This picture just cracked me up so I included it for your viewing enjoyment.

The way things have been multiplying around here lately, all I can say is thank goodness (my) Mister is fixed, and I don't have to worry about ME adding to our current population explosion. The new births I have been celebrating are of a different nature.

The first is a new appreciation of my husband. He has been such a great support as I have been ramping up my mileage in preparation for my October marathon. Last Sunday morning I hit the road before the sun came up and was gone for a three hour and fifteen minute run. (my) Mister cheerfully got up early to provide the AM care for the resident's and did the bulk of the rest of the care on Sunday as well as pampered me as I recovered from the run.

We have been dealing with high temperatures AND high humidity levels, and I have not been able to get out to run in on the weekday morning due to having respite residents. I called (my) Mister at the office yesterday and ask if he might work a couple of hours later so that he could go in later this morning and I could get out and do my five miles in the morning rather than have to deal with another hot afternoon run. He worked it out with his boss to do so on a moments notice.

I would not be able to complete the required training to achieve my dream of finishing a marathon without his love and support. Call me naive, but when I decided to do the marathon I never really thought about the time commitment I would be undertaking. It's not just time on the road, but extra sleep, fiddling with my daily diet and the best things to eat during, and after long runs. Then there is that total lack of desire to dust or vacuum the house in my spare time. He never complains! When I cross that finish line it will be in a large part because of the sacrifice and support of a really great husband.

The other new birth in my life is that of (my) Mister's running. I told you that he said he would join my relay team and run part of the marathon with me. Well, last Sunday he went out and ran his first five miles EVER! How great is that? He is still working with combination run/walk, but he still has almost four months to get up to running the full 5.1 which is the distance that he will be accompanying me on for the marathon. I am so proud of him, and secretly (well not that secretly) hoping that this helps to lower his blood pressure and cholesterol as well as increase his overall health level. I look forward to the future, when we are retired, and can travel around the country doing different races together. The healthier he becomes the greater our chances of that dream becoming a reality.

So what new things have been finding there way into your days? Whatever comes your way I hope that it brings with it joy and growth, as well as a good dose of fun. Celebrate whatever comes your way and it will become a positive experience.

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