Tuesday, May 27, 2008

MAJOR ego breakthrough.................

Before I share, I wanted to give A New Earth, by: Eckhart Tolle one more plug. If you are unhappy about anything in your life, read this book. If there is any lack in your life, read this book. If there are any people in your life you think should change, read this book. If you do read this book and it doesn't speak to you in the first few chapters, put it on the book shelf and it will show up in your life again when you are ready for it.

I started reading the book when Oprah was doing her New Earth Series. I read the first chapter, wasn't that impressed, and put the book down. Having an XM radio I happened on the second lesson talk, that got my interest up enough to compel me to picked the book back up. Going through the next eight weeks I learned lots about ego and about myself, but I can't say I put all of the ideas into practice right away.

About a month and a half ago I discovered that there was going to be a group discussing the book and I decided it might be fun to go through the book again in a group setting and see if it turned up anything I had missed on my own. I was the only "student" to show up, but the two of us went ahead and started talking about the book.

Again, this past Saturday, it was just he and I that came together to discuss how to tame our egos. I am sure that it was total divine intervention that no others showed up because I would not have opened up in a group setting. Not because I have something to hide, or am ashamed of how I am, but simply because I am one of those people that hate it when a person in a group asks a completely personal question. In a group setting I only ask questions that I feel would be beneficial for the entire group to hear, and save the individual questions for a one on one with the instructor.

After discussing our homework from the previous week we moved into the new lesson and before I knew it I was discussing the (eight year) state of my marriage.

As I told the instructor, I am married to a great guy. We agree on all the important things in life. He is loving, supportive, and helpful beyond belief, and there is no one I would rather be with than he. That being said, every single disagreement/fight/argument/conflict/etc... that we have ever had has stemmed from the fact that I don't feel heard by him.

I went on to say that I know without a doubt that the two of us could/would have the world's greatest relationship ever, if he would just validate me by listening. If he would do this for me I know we could then move forward towards bliss. {How many of you have the same one or two points of contention that keep getting rehashed but never resolved in your relationships?}

Being a wise counsel, my instructor ask me where I thought this need stemmed from. This was easy. Childhood. I was never listened to as a kid, and if I tried to have my opinion count it usually resulted in physical punishment. I was looking to my spouse to assist me in healing these childhood wounds.

The instructor then said the most amazing thing:

Your emotional attachment of trying to be heard falls into an attachment to the idea of being felt heard.

So what was behind my need to be heard? Ego, of course! It was as if someone had opened the shades in a darkened room. Way back, all those years ago, my ego grabbed onto the pain of my childhood and replayed it over and over in order to stay in charge of me. If I believe the idea that all we have is an exact moment in time, why was I letting past feelings keep me from living in the moment? What purpose is this serving beyond that of my ego?

Does it change my self-worth if I feel not listened to? Only from an ego perspective. Does it keep me from growing as a person? Again, only if I give into the notions that my ego would have me give into. As I sat in that classroom and tried to find one valid reason why I should have an attachment to another person's behavior being a certain way I became liberated.

Seriously, I am going to do anything I need to do regardless of what anyone else says or doesn't say to me. What was happening is that I was letting my ego be in charge and was fighting for some perceived notions that it was another person's job to fix me, or make me whole, when in actuality I was whole all along.

Since the last class, I have made no requests what-so-ever of (my) Mister (on an interpersonal level that is. I continue to convey day to day messages/requests to him), and I really have felt no need to. I stay focused on being in the now and I think this has caused some confusion for him. Here is an example of a conversation between us since my last class:

(him ~ initiating the conversation) "I can't just sit down and talk to you."

(me ~ reminding myself to stay in the moment of now) "Okay. Then don't worry about sitting down and talking to me."

(him ~ visibly confused by my lack of argument) "But I want to sit down and talk to you."

(me ~ truly feeling I had nothing vested either way) "Okay, then sit down and talk to me."

After a few seconds he walked away, and I went about my business.

My desire is to learn to let go of all of the attachments I have to other people's behaviors towards me and continue to stay in the peace of now. I will keep you informed with how well I progress.

And just in case you want to join in, here is some homework that you can do whether or not you have read the book:

Make a list of what you need to be fulfilled.

Why does the actions (or in-actions) of another person determine my feelings of fulfillment?


The Girl Next Door said...

OMG! The conversation with your honey had me laughing! I just had this image of him with this look on his face of complete bewilderment as he walked off slowly, looking back over his shoulder periodically mumbling about crazy women! Poor man, he probably thought you were setting him up for some sort of something or another and was waiting for the dagger to plunge wickedly into his back if he turned away too long! I can't stop laughing about this, sorry!

Don't get me started on "A New Earth," especially the classes, they have given me so much to think about. What is so great about what he is saying is that even if you take the spiritual aspect out of it, it is based on psychological prinicple, much of what I hear him saying is very much in line with what we know from a scientific point of view in so many ways. It is very interesting and helpful. Oh and I did the same thing as you with the book. I got through about two chapters VERY painfully then "someone" (aka YOU! LOL)meantioned it so I picked it up again and read the last 8 chapters in about a day and a half! LOL I found much of it very benifical and am slowly but surely applying the principles to my day to day life. I admit I am horriable about the exercises though. I have only listened to the first 8 classes also as I listen to them in the car on my I-pod going to and from work.

Patty said...

Ah, but T~, you are suppose to be in the moment when driving to work (smile)... I only say this because I too will listen to a show, think about a vast aray of things, and talk with my passenger when I drive. At least now I am feeling bad about not letting the drive somewhere be the moment instead of a destination. So much room for me to grow.

As to (my) Mister, I think you are right on about the dagger! This is day five so maybe he will begin to adjust to things soon. We exchanged maybe twenty words last night and on my way to bed I said, "Thanks for the time you spent with me tonight. I enjoyed it." He said nothing, but the look on his face said, "Who are you, and what have you done to my nagging wife?" The cool part is there is no attachment on my part whether or not he believed me so I am at peace.

Anonymous said...

I have heard so much about this book...maybe I need to buy it after all!

Patty said...

I would highly recommend it Dee. As I said, if it doesn't resinate right away you will have it for when it makes sense to you. I know some people that skipped the first chapter and liked the book better by doing so.

The Girl Next Door said...

Patty- LOL Actually I am more in the moment listening to this while I drive then if I didn't have it. I make a point to actually LISTEN to what he is saying and also to notice things around me. I am blessed with a beautiful drive to work and so it is really nice, it has become my "relax" time to be honest. I love it and actually look forward to the drive! It is great!

Dee- my learning style is more of a listen or see then read so to speak so for me the classes on-line are easier for me to absorb. Soemthing to think about. You might listen to the first class and see what you think, it is basically an overview of the whole thing and it would give you an idea of what it is all about. OH another convert.... I mean follower, you must try it, I am interested in how others are recieving this information. I am not sure if it is ego or not but I find it interesting to hear about how others are responding too it, for me the best part of the classes is hearing the responses because I get so much out of it, different perspectives, something I missed etc. It is a great book when you are ready for it but like Patty said one must be ready for it.