Thursday, May 08, 2008

Is it all in my head?............................

Through the training of my marathon last summer, and continuing to run 15 to 20 miles a week, giving up all white/processed foods, and ninety percent of the sugar I used to consume I have gained ten pounds over the past six months. All of it around my middle, which my doctor says is carb weight. The only carbs I was eating where things like lentils, beans, and multi-grain tostada chips for nachos (beans, cheese, veggies) which was my splurge treat.

I went to the doctor, hormones fine, IE. no menopause as of yet. Sugar number fine, I still believe I am glucose intolerant, but she says my numbers were not at a point that she could treat me yet. IE. One must be diabetic before modern science can help them. No thank you. She also said my over-all cholesterol number was up by 20 points. This she wanted to treat with medication. Again, I said no thanks. I insisted that she give me a couple of months to bring it down myself. I had read somewhere that more people are diagnosed with high cholesterol in the winter months (this was last January) because your body needs vitamin D to make the good cholesterol. One gets vitamin D from the sun and where I live sun is a scarcity in the winter months. I plan to expose my tummy to the sun for a few weeks before my next test as it can't hurt. A little aside here. For those of you that believe in supplements, Dr. Oz believes that we are all vitamin D deficient and that it is one of the most important vitamins we can have. One must take the correct type of D and that number (I think it is D-3) is not in my memory bank at the moment, but if you are interested let me know and I will dig up what the correct kind of Vitamin D we should be taking.

After going to the doctor, I ate perfect for a week and tracked everything I ate. Fruits, veggies, grains, reasonable portions, about 1,300 calories a day. I gained two pounds that week.

For the next four or five weeks I tried the low carb, high protein diet. Only about thirty grams of carbs a day, daily calorie intact again around 1,300. I lost the two pounds I had gained the previous week and another three in the first two weeks. The remaining weeks I lost a big, fat, nothing. The pain in the ass of writing everything down would have been worth it if I continued to lose weight but since I wasn't I gave up.

Through a string of unusual events I discovered that we have a natural-path (doctor) in our town and so I made an appointment to see her. My first visit to her was two and a half hours long, and the total cost including herbal prescriptions was $130.00. My doc charges a hundred bucks a visit, not covered by my insurance. I have a $5.00 co-pay on prescriptions, received five of these which (if they had been doctor prescribed) would have cost me $15.00. So, here is what I got for the extra $15.00.

She began the session with muscle testing. She would touch all of these little vials and push down on my arm as I held it out. Once she figured one thing out she would hand me a group of these little vials and do more muscle testing. The first thing she honed in on was I had parasites in my liver AND IN MY HEART, including my heart valves. YUCK!!! But she assured me we all have them. She wanted to treat these first and then I will go back to see her in a few weeks and we will see what my body wants to focus on at that time.
To treat the parasites, she zapped me. She plugged in this little machine and I held it over my heart and then my liver. I felt nothing with this zapping, except towards the end of the treatment the paddle began to get a little warm. After I had these treatments she tested me to see if I had any left by asking the question, "What number are left in the heart/liver?" and then muscle testing me while counting until the answer was none.

I get that the whole thing sounds like mumbo jumbo, but it didn't hurt and couldn't be worse for me than hearing the words, "I can't do anything for you due to the results of your counts from your blood test." The herbal prescriptions she gave me where to get rid of the few lingering parasites and also my liver "wanted" some additional support.

So how do I know it worked?

First, I found it interesting that I "failed" everything that has to do with the gallbladder. I had mine removed when I was fifteen. Can't really be working if it isn't in there can it? Second, I have to tell you that I am not a good pill taker. I not only hate pills and have trouble swallowing them, I am usually sick to my stomach for the rest of the day after taking them. I've been told that we should all take a daily multi-vitamin, and I have over the years tried to do this. They ALWAYS make me sick and I always give in and stop taking them. The natural-path's little vials told her that my vitamin and mineral counts were pretty good.

Now this is what I think is really cool. I was really worried about feeling sick while taking these herbal medications, but willing to give it a try to see if it would bring my body back into balance. Monday will be two weeks since I started taking these (big, honkin) pills and I HAVE NOT FELT SICK ONE SINGLE TIME! It seriously makes me think I felt sick from the other pills/vitamins because my body was trying to tell me I didn't need them. My body wanted/needed the pills I am currently taking so it consumed them without ill effect.

The other things I have noticed are small and yet significant. My stomach (where all the weight went on) is not as paunchy now. Still there, but a bit smaller. The bigger thing I have noticed is my breathing seems to be easier when I am running. If my heart and heart valves where fighting parasites and now they don't have to it stands to reason that the heart would be pumping better, the blood would be getting more oxygen in it, and I would be breathing easier with exertion.

Ya, it could also all be in my head. These herbal prescriptions and the zapping could only be working because I think they are working. I am totally okay with that. As long as I am feeling healthy, and am able to do the things I want to do in life it doesn't matter to me how it comes about.

What do you think? Any thoughts on alternative medicine?


Random Musings said...

Very cool.
And maybe it is all in your head but if it works then let it!
I saw a "herbal" Dr years ago for my migraines and was taken advantage of so i am glad you found one that worked for you...

Patty said...

I have a follow up scheduled in two weeks so I will let you know if she finds any other cool stuff.

The Girl Next Door said...

You are taking WAY to few calories for you exercise levels!!!! Because you are meeting your basal rate your body is going into starvation mode and slowing down your metabolism, what it does is become VERY efficient and saves every single little thing is can to make sure it does not run out of fuel. In this case it is better to be "unefficent!" LOL (btw- your doctor is wrong, there is no such thing as "carb" wieght, women gain wt around the mid section as they age due to hormones switches not carbs! Next time he says something like that ask him for the litature on it! Sorry, this on REALLY bugs me, doctors have enough nutrition classes to be dangerous and that is about it!)

Anyways, you need to be taking in more calories, not a whole lot but at least 1800 I would say, I think you are short enough though you possibly could be good at 1500, I would have to recalculate it based on your exericise ect. At first you may notice a weight gain, don't worry in a few weeks (generally no more then 4 or so) your body realizes the famine is over and starts acting like a feast and lets you drop weight. Remember we are genetic beings programs thousands of years ago... not great in this modern world but it makes it more understandable!

Patty said...

Okay T~,

Before you give me my diet let me tell you that the Naturalpath also told me I am allergic to wheat (Ya! The healthly eater that made sure she ate nothing but 100% whole wheat products) and cheese, and have a sensitivity to tomatoes, eggplant, and some legumes potatoes. That pretty much sums up my total diet.

I have found some angel hair pasta made out of tofu that is really good, but the mainstay of my diet these days has become wild rice and rice chexs, with salad thrown in for variety. By the time I cook for everyone else the last thing I want to do is cook special for me so I tend to just not eat. I guess I need to stop complaining about my weight then hu?

The Girl Next Door said...

Yep, until you can get your system in check then that would kind of be like worrying that the luggage for your vacation next year will not fit into the car you've yet to buy! Besides, worry is pointless. Generally a wheat intolorance is noticed in the digestive track and does cause wt issues. I am not sure what your symptoms are so I can not say "posible" however, I can tell you that generally it is not the wheat itself but the glutton in the wheat. I suggest you research glutton intolerance and find a list of foods that can be substituted. There are many sources for replacement, once you have that checked out let me know and I can answer specific questions. Sorry I am too lazy to write it all out, especially when the net has some great sites on the subject! ;)

Patty said...

I don't mind replacing wheat with rice. Tomatoes and eggplant however are an entirely different story. Beyond trying to eliminate those foods I am pretty much setting the food stuff aside. Our current focus is on my stressed liver and getting that turned around.