Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mind control................................

With the marathon behind me my focus can now turn more completely on re-tooling for my new career. I have not fully formed exactly what that new career is going to be so if any of you are feeling inspirational and have ideas for me feel free to share.

The reading I was doing yesterday was talking about the power of one's mind, and the ability to create the world one wants through positive/right thinking. What one wishes to create is what one should focus their minds on.

I get how this might seem impossible when you are drowning in debt, or are miserable in your job, marriage, fill in the _______. These things ARE your current reality, you may not have any idea how things can be different, but if things are really that bad, then the odds are in your favor that it won't make things worse to change the way you think about them. Right?

I have said before that the first step in me getting control over my money was to stop saying, "I can't afford it," and whenever that thought came into my head change it to, "I choose not to spend my money on that right now." Did it immediately get rid of my debt? Of course not, but it did change my attitude, and a little over four years later we have knocked $104,000.00 down to $24,000.00. And, I have to add, had we been more disciplined with the money coming in it would have been paid off by now. The needed money came in, however, still being works in progress, we choose to cash flow some items by justifying their importance.

Back to my reading........................

Some ways to change your thinking around include:

1. Create/picture/ think/ the best possible world for yourself.

2. Fill your mind with ideas that please and inspire you.

3. Give definition to health, wealth, and happiness.

4. Prepare for that which you hope.

5. visualize and fill your mind with the way you want your life to be. In other words, it's okay to

6. Act on the impulses that seem to put you closer to your goal. This would translate to
intuition. Listen to your gut. If it tells you to change something, go for it.

Don't let fear or complacency stop you from making the needed changes. You have all you need inside of you to have the kind of life that you want. All you have to do is believe in yourself.


T. and little D. said...

Maybe you will find this article interesting.

I am not into this at all, but read a lot about it after I read the article about Mr. Happy. Thought I would like to share it with you.

Patty said...

Thanks a bunch! I will check it out.