Friday, October 12, 2007

New post.............................

Last night (my) Mister informed me he was getting sick of seeing the tomatoes on my blog and inquired as to when I planned on updating with a new post. Anything to keep harmony in the marriage honey (I heard that Mister!).

After my two weeks off from running, I decided to do one last long run last Saturday. Silly me, in the heat (I am sure you all heard about what happen at the Chicago marathon the last Sunday), and two weeks before my marathon, I maybe shouldn't have, but I went twenty-four miles. And it kicked my butt! I was walking normal by Wednesday, but I am still exhausted so I have been conserving energy, and spending my time visualizing and getting mentally prepared for my marathon.

I also turned fifty years of age since I last posted. Would love to tell you all that I am a mature, wise woman now, but no...I am still just me, full of flaws and learning as I go along. I will say I am looking forward to the next fifty as the best years of my life as while I don't know everything, I know a heck of a lot more than I did when I was twenty. The most important thing I learned...that I don't know everything. And that is okay!

My wrist is doing fabulous, and I am gaining increased range of motion every day. I even started knitting again for short periods of time. Woo! Hoo!

And since I am bragging, I will let you in on my latest endeavor. This summer I was able to cross off donating my hair to Locks of Love from my "things to do before I die" list. I am confident that finish a marathon will be crossed off on October 21, 2007, so I thought it time to move on to something else on the list. I am learning to play the guitar. Maybe the timing of this could be better with the wrist and all, but I think it will be good for my rehab in the long run, and since it is my list I get to pick the order in which I complete it. I have learned six notes already, three on string one and three on string two. My oldest can't wait until I can play songs around the campfire. I can't wait until I build up calluses on my fingertips and they stop hurting when I practice. Once I get full use of my wrist again I think I might take a few lessons to boost my progress so I can actually play around the campfire BEFORE I turn seventy-five.

Okay honey. Hope your happy with the new post. Beware the tomatoes continue to lurk below. The things I do for love!


Nancy said...

Great post, Patty!

Those tomatoes were freaky.

Patty said...

I knew eveyone would side with (my) Mister. Being freaky is what made them cool.

Daniele said...

Ha! I nearly posted the same on your blog today. I was wondering when the tomatoes would move down and they wouldn't be the first thing I see when I log on :)

I'm impressed about your guitar progress already! Well done.

Patty said...

Okay Dee. Maybe the tomato was cooler in person then in picture. The next time I take a break from blogging I will make sure not to leave a picture post at the top. Or else I will give you my password and you can run three blogs for a while. Would you like that better? I thought not.

Daniele said...

LOL.. I don't mind a picture post my dear.. just not the tomato. Maybe you posted it and left it there to put me off food (cause it would!) :))

Patty said...

Let's see...If I was wanting to do that it wouldn't be a tomato as they are good for you. A wormy chocolate cake perhaps?

one4JC said...

Only a few short days until the will do GREAT!