Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This life I've created........................................

When I was in my twenties, I thrived on chaos. If my life wasn't full of crisis, perceived pain, and drama, I (unconsciously) set out to create some. Fortunately for me I somehow learned along the way that the only way I could be a victim was if I saw myself as one, and that I was the only one in charge of my life and my destiny.

Did this mean crap stopped happening to me? Nope. It just meant that I started looking at it as an opportunity to learn instead of another excuse to lament about, "poor me."

The last couple of weeks I have been gifted lots of new learning and interactions with challenging individuals that once upon a time would have sent me into a bitching frenzy. I've come a long way baby!

If it were possible I would have no desire to exchange what I now carry inside of me for the taunt skin and youthful glow of a twenty something. Maybe I don't look lovingly at my "bat wings" (Flabby upper arms for you youngsters reading this) and crows feet, but I am okay with the fact that they are part of the package that is me. As my next birthday gets set to role around I am holding this image of a one-of-a-kind treasure wrapped in crumpled, recycled wrapping paper. Once you get past the wrapping you are awed and amazed at what you find inside.

Are there any of these aging presents in your world? If so, do yourself a favor and take the time to value the gifts you will discover by spending time with us old souls.


Anonymous said...

Could not have said it better myself!!

Took my Mister to the surgeon on Monday and yesterday he had his gallbladder removed! Who said the medical community doesn't move fast?? Actually this was all after an overnight hospital stay last week. The pt. is now home and doing well-thank goodness.

Take care--love ya (ORA)

Maria said...

I dunno...there is something to be said for taut skin and a youthful glow.....:)

Patty said...

Only if you are interested in _____ with them Maria. Otherwise I maintain it's over rated.

Lena said...

I would love to post this at There are only a handful of us "older souls."

Patty said...

Post away Lena, but most of them probably won't get it until time catches up with them. Which of course is NEVER going to happen to them. I can so remember when I used to say things like "You will never catch me wearing stretch pants when I get old." Mine are made out of better fabric than polyester, and they are called Yoga pants, but when one gets right down to it they are stretch pants and I LOVE them.

Must be how the saying, "Never say never" came to be?