Hey fellow bloggers, it is time for me to put my addiction out there and admit that I have allowed writting and reading blog posts to get in the way of other, important things in my life.
Try as I might, I can't seem to strike a balance between time on the computer and time for other things.
My solution is the same approach I took years ago when I thought I was drinking too much diet coke. I am going to step away from blog land for a few weeks and see if that helps me to find a better balance.
I am letting you know because I don't want anyone worrying about me or why I am not posting. Rest assured that I am fine, and I will continue to think positive thoughts about your lives even if I am not keeping up on the day to day happenings in them.
I love you all, and I will be back.
P.S. For those of you that I e-mail, I am also limiting this so if you don't hear from me in my usual timely manner you will understand why.